Rewards 19th March 2021

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Lucas Brown, you have been trying really hard in all of your lessons and you have been doing some fantastic writing in RWI-well done Lucas, we are all very proud! Marshall Richardson, you have been trying so hard with your POP tasks this week and you also did fantastic work in RE-well done, Marshall!

Year 2: Amelia Catcheside, you have been using your Zones of Regulation toolbox effectively on a morning when entering school-this is fantastic Amelia, keep it up! Jay Jay Dickinson, you have been working very hard every day to complete your POP tasks in maths-you make us all so proud, Jay Jay-well done!

Year 3: Lacey Clark, you have shown amazing effort in all areas of learning! Your enthusiasm and perseverance amaze us all everyday-well done Lacey! Alice Brown, your fabulous Easter artwork has earned you this certificate. Your use of oil pastels to recreate Jesus on the cross was amazing! Well done, Alice!

Year 4: Logan Storey, your fantastic Easter artwork and improved pencil control have been amazing this week-keep it up you absolute super star! Brendan Dorothy, you have responded so well to our whole school behaviour charter and tried so hard to adhere to it too-well done, Brendan! Molly Skinner, you have earned your certificate for your fantastic effort with your Easter artwork. We were all so proud of your efforts, Molly-you are a star! Casey Brown, your detailed science investigation write up about the magnetic field of different magnets has earned you this certificate this week- keep up the excellent work, Casey, we are all so proud! Jae Gladstone, you have earned your certificate this week for always having lovely manners in the dinner hall-you always show everyone respect-well done, Jae!

Year 5: Emilia Chapman, you have put so much effort into your guided reading sessions this week-you absolute star! Well done, Amelia! Delaney Templeton, you have received your certificate this week for trying very hard in science when learning about space-keep it up! Max Dombkowski, you have impressed us all this week with your fantastic work in science-you have been an amazing scientist-well done, Max! Tiffany Luckham, you have been such a caring and hard working member of our school (again!) this week-we are all impressed and think you’re amazing! Josh Wallwork, you have been working extra hard in your maths lessons this week-you are a true role model, Josh, well done! Leah Newton, your passion for reading and writing has earned you this certificate this week-you are a star-keep it up!

Digital Camera

Year 6: Corey Reynolds, you have been amazing in literacy ALL week and you have used some wonderful vocabulary for the Highwayman-well done, Corey! Evan O’Donnell, your amazing mental calculations in maths have earned you your certificate this week-you have made us so proud! Layton Hubbert, your fantastic start to writing your text, including a flashback based on Macbeth was fantastic-you are a very impressive writer-well done, Layton!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Alesky Staniszewski, you always follow the school rules and you’re kind and caring to everyone-well done, Alesky! Natalia Dinsdale, you also follow our school rules and are kind to your friends, well done, Natalia and well done year 1!

Year 2: Aj Harrison, you always respect everyone’s right to learn. You work well as part of a team and encourage everyone to join in-well done, Aj! Amelia Anderson, this certificate has been awarded for you just being you! You always make the right choices and are a fantastic role model to others-well done!

Year 3: Larna Scott, you are always kind and caring towards your friends, you are not only a fabulous member of class 8, you are a fabulous member of our school-well done, Larna!

Year 4: Lily Rain, your kindness, encouragement and support to your classmates has been fantastic (again!) this week-well done, Lily! Deacon Stokell, your ability to get everyone back to the green zone with your caring attitude has been amazing (again!) this week-we are so lucky to have you in Southwick! Evie Harrison, you are always immaculately behaved and your understanding of the Zones of Regulation is fantastic-well done, Evie!

Year 5: Ruby Bell, you always include others when you are working and playing and you always use kind words-we are so proud-well done, Ruby! Krystal Towle, you are such a positive class role model. You are always so kind, considerate and polite, well done and thank you Krystal!

Year 6: Mark Taylor, this is for being an amazing all-rounder and making everyone in class feel special-thank you Mark! Emily Rain, you are always a lovely friend to everyone. You are such a fantastic role model and we are so very lucky to have you! Maisy McConville, you are also a fantastic friend and you notice people who may be feeling left out. You are amazing-well done!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Lily Brewis, you amazed Mr Robson this week with your amazing column subtraction work this week. We have been telling you all year how amazing you are and you finally realised it this week-we are all so very proud you absolute star!


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