Rewards 19th May 2023

This week’s Merit Certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Adalyn Forster, you have had a fantastic attitude to your learning and always come into school with a smile-well done! Harry Redwin, this is for your amazing addition work in maths-you are a star!

Year 2: All of Year 2-you have done an amazing job in your Year 2 SAT’s-you have all been fabulous and we are very proud-well done Year 2!

Year 3: Mia Pearson, your effort and attitude when reading each morning is amazing-keep up the hard work! Ivan Glover, your enthusiasm in maths lessons is amazing and you are so good at counting in 4’s!

Year 4: Jesse Richardson, you were amazing in our geography lessons and we are so proud-well done! Neeve Conlon, you always give 100% and are a superstar in all you do-well done!

Year 5: Henry Gowland, you have worked so hard in guided reading and your confidence when answering vocabulary questions is massively increasing-well done! Harley Jeffrey, this is for your super concentration and perseverance in DT lessons-you are amazing!

Year 6: Jaysie-Leigh Roberts, your work in maths this week when calculating missing angles was amazing-you are a star! Logan Storey, you were so good when finding percentages in maths this week-well done!


This week’s focus was to know how to help themselves and others when hurt of upset. We had some excellent discussions about when to get an adult and when we could help ourselves-you are all amazing!

This week’s Jigsaw Certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Taylor Lusby, you always offer a hug or kind word when needed-thank you Taylor! Scarlett Robins, you always try to make others feel better-well done!

Year 2: Stevie-Jo Ross, you know who to go to if your friends need help-well done! Jackson Lawson-Sykes, you always manage to solve problems yourself-well done! Kira Richardson, you are amazing at using the Zones of Regulation to get back into the green zone-well done!

Year 3: Leilah Smith, you are always so compassionate towards your friends-well done! Jade Pearson, you always look after your friends outside-well done!

Year 4: Maisie McCririe, you can upset yourself with what could upset yourself and others-well done! Nicole Chidi-Iwundu, you look out for your friends and know who can help if you need it-well done!

Year 5: Lexy Nichol, you are always considerate of others-well done! Dzesika Barkevica, you know how to help others when they feel upset-well done!

Year 6: Jayden Doran, you are one of the kindest and most considerate boys ever! Well done! Lexie Johnson, you are always such a kind and considerate friend and you always look out for others-well done!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Year 2 have made everyone smile this week with their resilience and determination whilst doing their SAT’s. We are all so proud of you all-you are all wonderful! Lots of people have been out and about this week and have been wonderful ambassadors for our school-well done to the Y6 swimmers at the Gala, our Y5 & 6 football team, KS2 children who attended Quad Kids and Year 3 who were at the Beacon of Light!


This week’s winners are Class 6 with 98.6% Well done Class 6!


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