Rewards 1st April 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Reception : Taylor Lusby, you have had a fantastic week this week, you have answered lots of questions! well done Taylor. Leyton Smith, you have tried so hard this week you have given 100% in everything- Well done Leyton! Harper Harrison, you have worked so hard in RWI this week, you really know your sounds well done ! Myla Davies, you have asked and answered lots of questions when we made our bread this week- well done Myla !

Year 1: Daisy Towle, you worked extra hard to use a number line to help you subtract in maths-well done, Daisy! Sofia Ball and Harper Ditch you worked brilliantly with your friends to create some paper weaving-well done girls!

Year 2: Fraser McLaughlin, you always try your best in maths-keep it up! Well done, Fraser! Samuel Burlinson, you have tried so hard when counting on and counting back this week in maths-well done, Samuel!

Year 3: The Whole of Year 3-you were all amazing in your class assembly and we are so proud! Well done everyone! Cory Davies, you have a brilliant attitude to RWI and created a wonderful retell of our story-well done, Cory! Sonny Robins, you have been a superstar in maths this week-you tried so hard with your multiplication and division-well done, Sonny!

Year 4: Jack Patterson, you wrote a great persuasive advert for Sunderland and included all of the features independently-well done, Jack! Carter Mason, you were fabulous during our circuits session in PE-you were like the Duracell Bunny! Well done, Carter! Bahar Fars, you always give 100% in maths and are a superstar! Well done, Bahar!

Year 5: Lily Rain, you have tried so hard when completing long multiplication problems this week-well done, Lily! Frazer Brown, you remembered so much about punctuating speech this week-well done, Frazer! Jae Gladstone, you make sure the plants are always watered and you really look after our environment-thank you Jae!

Year 6: Krystal Towle, the enthusiasm you have shown in literacy has been amazing-it is a pleasure to read your work-well done, Krystal! Alanah Robson, this is for your brilliant contributions in maths this week-your confidence makes us proud! Well done, Alanah!


This week’s focus was to know how to be a good friend and have healthy friendships. We all had brilliant suggestions in our Jigsaw lessons this week-well done everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: James McMahon, you are a great friend and include everyone in your games-well done, James! Connor Smith, you always encourage your friends to make the right choices-well done, Connor! Emily Cruickshanks, you always put your friends first-well done, Emily!

Year 2: Lily Lawson, you always care about how your friends are feeling-well done, Lily! Lola Smith, you always try to include everyone in your games-well done, Lola!

Year 3: Elzbieta, Ella and Aston, you all have a special bond and have created a beautiful friendship together-well done all of you! Dahla Appleby, you are such a good role model and friend to everyone-well done, Dahla!

Year 4: Benjamin Nicholson, you are a great friend to everyone in class 10-thank you Benjamin! Amelia Longstaff, you always try hard to keep all of your friends happy-well done, Amelia!

Year 5: Casey Brown, you know how to be a good friend to others-well done, Casey! Sofia Brown, you are always such a supportive and kind friend-well done, Sofia! Jasmine Doughty, you are such a kind and caring friend that loves to help others-well done, Jasmine!

Year 6: Blake McLaughlin, you are an amazing and caring friend-thank you Blake! Emilia Chapman, you respect all of your friends and certainly earn their respect back-well done, Emilia!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Jenny Fenwick blew Mr Robson away this week with her beautiful hanwriting-she earned her pen license too! Well done Jenny!


This week’s winners are Class 11 with 97% Well done all of you!


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