Rewards 1st July 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Reception: Well done to All of Reception for having a fantastic health week. You have tried your best and made excellent choices, well done!

Year 1: Connor Smith, you shared your thoughts and ideas about staying safe in the sun and used amazing vocabulary-well done, Connor! Harrison Wood, you have had an amazing health week-your attitude has been great and you have tried lots of new things-well done, Harrison! Olaedo Abasirim, you have had a fantastic first week at Southwick and we are very lucky to have you-well done, Olaedo!

Year 2: Jenson Bates-Whitfield, you showed great sportsmanship and were very supportive in our Camp of Champions sessions-well done, Jenson! Steven Doran, you showed great determination and effort in our Zumba sessions-well done, Steven!

Year 3: Mason Loades, you are an amazing friend to everyone in year 3 and we are so lucky to have you-well done, Mason! Mrs Foxton and Mrs Mahone’s Literacy Group, you have amazed us with your fantastic poems about being useful and kind-well done everyone!

Year 4: Zander and Jayden Tumwijukye, you were absolutely amazing in our hula hooping sessions-well done boys! Riley Whitfield, you are making great choices and you’re beginning to show a mature attitude ready for year 5-we are so proud Riley!

Year 5: Jessica Green, you have been an amazing role model in year 5 and your attitude during health week was fabulous! Cleron Rankin, your effort and enthusiasm during health week has been amazing-well done, Cleron! Jae Gladstone, you have worked so hard this week in maths when dividing-we are very proud-well done, Jae!

Year 6: Alanah Robson, your support of the year 2 children when they were playing handball was fantastic-thank you Alanah! Oliver Dennis, you’ve had an amazing week and you were amazing in the netball tournament too-well done, Oliver! Hollie Russell, thank you for your support of the younger children in school this week-you are wonderful-well done, Hollie!


This week’s focus was to respect and understand the changes we see in other people; our lessons about this were wonderful!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Dante McHenry, you understand the changes and you’ve been wonderful when discussing them too-well done, Dante! Benjamin Knowlson, you have recognised changes in people ready for year 2-well done, Benjamin! CJ Stubbs, you have asked lots of questions about everyone moving into year 2-well done, CJ!

Year 2: Lola Smith, you are able to identify when your friends are in the blue zone-well done, Lola! Sarah Turnbull, you recognised changes in your friends-well done, Sarah!

Year 3: Elzbieta Nayir, you always check on your friends when you notice changes in them-well done, Elzbieta! Dahla Appleby, you are supportive of your friends when they are changing-well done, Dahla!

Year 4: Alice Brown, you always accept others for who they are-well done, Alice! Zachary Clark, you are very mature and understand why people feel a certain way-well done, Zachary!

Year 5: All of Year 5, you all showed a very mature attitude during our puberty talk-well done all of you!

Year 6: All of Year 6, you all recognised changes in each other this week during transition and supported each other brilliantly-well done everyone!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Mr Robson has had an amazing week again this week. He is especially proud of


This week’s winners are Class….


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