Rewards 1st March 2021

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Reception: Jackson Lawson Sykes-you have achieved your certificate this week for just being you-you have been an absolute pleasure to teach this week-well done!

Year 1: Nour Sharaf, you have been awarded this certificate for having a fantastic first week at school-keep it up! Well done, Nour!

Year 2: Layad Mangure, you have been awarded this certificate for your amazing maths work! You are a superstar and we are so proud of you-well done Layad!

Year 3: Isabella Dickinson– you have been awarded this certificate for your brilliant participation and ideas during our meet the author session-well done, Isabella! The whole of year 3 have also received a certificate this week for being absolutely amazing in school during lockdown-we have loved spending time with you all!

Year 4: All of year 4 have been awarded a certificate this week as you have all been absolute superstars during lockdown and we have absolutely loved every minute we have spent with you-you are all wonderful! Kayden Brown, you have received a certificate this week for having the courage to try new things-well done Kayden and well done year 4!

Year 5: Tiffany Luckham-you have been a star again this week and we love how kind and caring you are to everyone, well done Tiffany!

Year 6: Everyone in year 6 has received a certificate this week for your amazing effort throughout lockdown. You have all been amazing and we have loved having you all in school! Well done year 6!

Our Home Learning Heroes this week are all children from all year groups who have engaged in live lessons and home learning. You have all made us so very proud and we cannot wait to have you all back in school next week-you are all amazing! Well done!

We would also like to say a huge thank you to all of the parents, carers, nanas, grandads, aunties, uncles, brothers, sisters and other adults at home who have helped their children with their home learning. You have all gone above and beyond for your children and we appreciate everything you have done-your children are very lucky to have you-a huge thank you from every member of staff at Southwick!

100 Thank You for Your Kindness Messages and Quotes |

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