Rewards 21st April 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Holden Wilson, you have been a star this week and your reading has been amazing-well done! Blake Anderson, your input in our RE discussions was fantastic-well done! Jackson Lawson-Sykes, you are such a kind and considerate member of our school and a pleasure to have in school-well done!

Year 2: Jeremiah Odia, your effort and attitude in literacy has been amazing-keep it up! Connor Smith, your knowledge on the life cycle of a butterfly was amazing-well done!

Year 3: April Williams, you are a star and always give 100% in everything you do-well done! Jade Pearson, your tennis skills in PE were amazing-what a star!

Year 4: Layad Mangure, your artwork in the style of LS Lowry was wonderful-well done! Sonny Robins, your enthusiasm and dance moves in our music session was amazing-well done!

Year 5: Calum Kennedy, your work in literacy this week has been fabulous-your Theseus and the Minator narrative was amazing! Lucas Dawson, you are making a ,massive effort with your reading and home reading-keep it up!

Year 6: Logan Crooks, your effort and enthusiasm in maths this week is amazing-keep it up! Isaac Powell, your effort in literacy is brilliant and your progress is soaring-well done!


This week’s focus was to know how to make friends-the discussions we have had this week have been wonderful-well done everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Annabelle Wrathall, you are a lovely friend to everyone-well done! Kitan Bakare, you are kind and respectful to your friends-well done!

Year 2: Olaedo Abrashim, you were so kind on the yard when someone was hurt-thank you! Emily Cruickshanks, you always think of your friends-well done! Hasan Zamel, you have made our new friend feel very welcome-well done!

Year 3: Paris Wiseman, you are a fantastic friend to everyone-well done! Finley Broome-Letson, you always welcome new members of our school with open arms-well done!

Year 4: Dahla Appleby, you always try to include others, both in and out of the classroom-well done! Ansel Gerand, you have made so many new friends since starting our school-well done!

Year 5: Lacey Clark, you are an amazingly caring member of our school and friends with everyone-well done! Jayden Tumwijukye, you are lovely to everyone! Well done!

Year 6: Bayley Galer, you are such a kind and helpful friend and we are so lucky to have you! Logan Foot, you are kind and considerate to everyone and know how to make friends-well done!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Lucas Jarvis has massively impressed this week as he has totally transformed his handwriting over the last few weeks. The pride he is taking in his work is unbelievable and we are so very proud! Well done Lucas!


This week’s winners are Class 11 with 100% Well done Class 11!


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