Rewards 21st July 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Connor Smith, you have had an amazing year-you are an absolute star-well done, Connor! Adam Oliver, your year has been fantastic-well done, Adam! Carson King, you were a bright and smiling face around the class during an extremely hot week-well done, Carson!

Year 2: Lily Lawson, you have had a fantastic attitude to learning all year-well done, Lily! Evah Dixon, you are such a helpful and valued member of year 2-well done, Evah!

Year 3: Class 9, you have been amazing class members for 2 years with Miss Brook and she will miss you all so very much-well done, Class 9! Class 8, you have been superstars all year but we know you will be amazing in year 4-well done, Class 8!

Year 4: Class 10, you have been a fabulous year 4 class and you’ll be missed by your teachers-well done, Class 10! Class 11, you have been fantastic for 2 years with Mrs Stephenson and she will miss you massively but she knows how amazing you will all be for your new teacher-well done, Class 11!

Year 5: Class 13, you have had a wonderful year and have all been absolute stars-well done, Class 13! Class 14, you have had the most wonderful year-you are all amazing-well done, Class 14! Class 12, for just being you-you have ensured Miss Slater has had a wonderful year-well done, Class 12! Macie-Jo Reaper, you were a super helper in the sewing session-well done, Macie-Jo!

Year 6: All of Year 6-the effort and enthusiasm you showed in your show was fabulous-you never fail to amaze us!


Year 1: Harper Ditch, you are so excited for year 2-well done, Harper! Layla Newton, you are looking forward to your next class-well done, Layla! James McMahon, you have worked so hard to practice your writing for your new class-well done, James!

Year 2: Natalia Dinsdale, you are looking forward to all your new topics-well done, Natalia! Alek Staniszewski, you are already talking about next year and what you will learn-well done, Alek!

Year 4: Aryanna Kyriakides, you always have a positive outlook-well done, Aryanna!

Year 5: Summer Willis, you are excited about the challenge of year 6-well done, Summer! Brendan Dorothy, you are excited for all the new topics in year 6-well done, Brendan! Jessica Callaghan, you are so excited to have Mrs Smith as your teacher again and we know you will work super hard-well done, Jessica!

Year 6: All of Year 6, you have handled all changes beautifully and you will all be missed when you go to your new schools but we know you’ll be amazing!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Mr Robson has been so proud of everyone in school this week with the record breaking temperatures-we all handled it brilliantly (with the help of a hose and water guns too) a big well done from Mr Robson!

A huge thank you to the Jarvis family for your very kind donation of ice pops for the whole school! They were very much appreciated-thank you so much!

The Flood family made a fantastic hamper for all the staff and we really appreciate it-thank you very much-it will certainly help us get through an exhausting week!


This week’s winners are Class 17 with 95.3% Well done Class 17!

Here are this term’s and year’s 100% attendees receiving their Amazon vouchers-well done all of you!


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