Rewards 21st October 2021

A brilliant end to a brilliant half term! We are all feeling so accomplished after such a fantastic half term! Well done everyone!

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Nursery: Ebony Green, you have had an amazing week and followed all of our school rules-well done, Ebony! Lola Finn, you have had a fantastic week and have been eating all of your dinner-well done, Lola! Taylor Ditch, you have made brilliant choices this week and followed the school rules-well done, Taylor!

Reception: Taylor Lusby, you ask amazing and interesting questions in group time-well done, Taylor! Jesse Heskett, you have tried so hard to sit and sharpen your listening skills this week-well done, Jesse! Jack Quinn, your homework has been fabulous this half term-we are so proud! Well done, Jack! Blake Anderson, your questions during RWI have been fantastic! Well done, Blake!

Year 1: Keegan Smith, you have had an amazing last week and we will miss you so much-your new school are so very lucky to have you-we will miss you, Keegan! Daisy Towle, your effort with your homework has been amazing this half term Daisy-well done you absolute star! Emily Cruickshanks, you sang beautifully at the Harvest assembly whilst doing amazing actions too-well done, Emily!

Year 2: Sarah Turnbull, you have tried so hard with your home reading and we are so very proud! Well done, Sarah! Ronnie Smith, you have been a wonderful member of class 6, good luck in your new school-we will miss you!

Year 3: Jesse Brettwood, you have shown so much enthusiasm and effort during our Stone Age topic, you impress us daily with your knowledge! Well done, Jesse! Frankie Rowe, you have hugely improved your attitude and behaviour this week and it has made us so proud-keep it up frankie you absolute star!

Year 4: Henry Gowland, your super knowledge in geography has been amazing-as were your map skills! Well done, Henry! Riley Whitfield, your improvements in your handwriting have been amazing this week-we are so proud of the effort you are showing-keep it up Riley!

Year 5: The Year 5 Bikeability Group, you have all been amazing this week-excellent listening, positive attitudes and excellent representatives of our school-well done to you all! Alora Wilson, you have wowed us this week with your fantastic literacy work-your mystery and suspense narrative was amazing! Well done, Alora! Logan Storey, this is for working hard in all subjects-especially when reading! Well done, Logan!

Year 6: Mercedes James, your wonderful description of the Rainforest made us all so very proud-well done, Mercedes! Tiffany Luckham, for simply being you! You are a kind, considerate, hard working and amazing young lady-we are so lucky to have you!

Here are the children that were absent last week with their certificates-well done everyone!


This week’s focus was to choose to follow the learning charter-it was so hard to choose our winners this week as we are all amazing!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Adam Oliver, you always follow our learning charter as you care for your friends and think carefully about your actions. Well done, Adam! Asiah Newton, you always use kind words and keep everyone safe-well done! Layla Newton, you always follow our school rules-you are a star!

Year 2: Lola Smith, you always set a good example for other children-well done, Lola! Ruby Jurdison, you always make good choices-you are a star! Well done girls!

Year 3: Maisie McCririe, you always follow the school rules! Keep being the fantastic role model you are! Well done, Maisie! Kalvin Dorothy, you have hugely improved your attitude and behaviour-we are so proud, keep it up Kalvin!

Year 4: Ellie Taylor, you are a fantastic role model at all times! Well done, Ellie! Leah Reynolds, you always make the right choices in school-well done!

Year 5: Theon Luckham, you are a fantastic role model at all times! You are a star! Evie Harrison, you always follow the school rules-you are an excellent role model! Logan Crooks, you are also a wonderful role model as you always follow the school rules-well done Logan!

Year 6: Krystal Towle, you are a hard-working and conscientious young lady and an absolute credit to yourself! Well done, Krystal! Connie Murphy, you follow every rule, every day! you are a star!

And the School Council certificates have been awarded to…

Corey Davies and Ella Jenkins in year 3 have impressed school council so much. They were so impressed with Corey’s effort in his handwriting and Ella’s kind and caring attitude has also been noticed-well done you two!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Mr Robson has grinned like a Cheshire Cat all week because we have all had such a fantastic half term! It was lovely to see parents beaming with pride at our wonderful Harvest assembly this week too! Well done to our whole school community, you have made Mr Robson and every member of staff beam with pride at how amazing you all truly are!

Mr Robson would like to give a big well done to our choir this week who sang and ‘shantied’ brilliantly during our Harvest assembly-you are all super stars-well done!

As we have a week off next week, just a reminder to stay safe. the nights are getting darker and we need to take care when out and about at Halloween. Remember not to knock on strangers’ doors and make sure parents know where you are at all times. Have a great week everyone, we cannot wait to see you all on November the 1st! Thanks to all of our parents and carers for your continued support-we really appreciate it!


This week’s winners are Class 13 with 96%! Well done Class 13!


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