Rewards 21st October 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Reception : Ollie Miller [Giraffe group] you have made the right choices this week well done ! Iyla Bates- whitfield [Crocodile group] you have tried so hard in your maths work this week well done ! Freya Reddel[Tiger group] you have done some fantastic homework well done ! Peter Burt [lion group] you have took part in lots of tasks this week well done !

Year 1: Deacon Templeton, you gave amazing answers during our topic lessons-well done, Deacon! Myla Davies, your reasoning in maths was fabulous-well done, Myla!

Year 2: Ronnie Green, you have had a great attitude to all of your jobs in maths-well done, Ronnie! Alisha Smith, this is for simply being you! Your positive attitude brightens up our classroom and makes us smile-well done, Alisha! Thomas Defty, you have completed some amazing work on the Great Fire of London-well done!

Year 3: Lily Lawson, Evah Dixon, Lucas Brown and Natalia Dinsdale, your effort and enthusiasm when swimming has been amazing-well done all of you! Paris Wiseman, your character description was fantastic-well done! Joe Armstrong, your attitude to all of your learning this half term has been amazing-well done!

Year 4: Gbemi Ilori, this is for simply being you! You are a hardworking and sensible girl and you always try your best-well done, Gbemi! Amelia Ratcliff, you have been a star all week in all lessons-well done Amelia!

Year 5: The Bike Ability Groups, your listening skills this week were fabulous-you were the best group they had ever had-well done! Lucas Hubbert, your literacy work has been amazing this week-well done!

Year 6: Lainey Rae Brett, your enthusiasm and fantastic knowledge in the science show was fantastic-you are a star! Brendan Dorothy, your contributions in our geography lessons were amazing this week-well done, Brendan!


Year 1: Isabella Gascoigne, you are a role model to everyone-well done, Isabella! Adalyn Forster, you show amazing listening and always follow the rules-well done!

Year 2: Millie Glover, you have made the right choices all week and we are so proud of you-well done, Millie! Asiah Newton, you are such a fantastic role model-well done, Asiah! Louie Tench, you respect the rules and always make good choices-well done, Louie!

Year 3: Leilah Smith, you are a great role model in year 3-well done! Ruby Jurdison, you are a fantastic role model in all areas of school life-well done!

Year 4: Amelia Anderson, you are a great role model for year 4 and the whole school-well done! Jay Jay Dickinson, you always follow the school rules-you are a star!

Year 5: Aamari Armstrong, you are always a wonderful role model and work well with everyone-well done! Zander Tumwijukye, you are a super role model to others-well done!

Year 6: Theon Luckham, you are polite, respectful and impeccably behaved at all times-you are wonderful! Bayley Galer, you are a fantastic role model to others-well done!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Amelia Anderson, Olivia Kennedy, Lucas Lawson Sykes, Ella Jenkins and Elzbieta Nayir, you are all wonderful and you all received your pen license this week-well done you absolute super stars!

The Year 6 readers, chior and show club deserve a special well done this week for a wonderful harvest festival-the singing from everyone in school was amazing and we are so proud of you all!


This week’s winners are Class 15 with 98% Well done Class 15!


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