Rewards 21st September 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Kaiden Johnson, you have had a lovely week and have made all the right choices-well done! Evie Mae Mardghum, your enthusiasm in our geography lessons was amazing-well done!

Year 2: Madison Hall, your addition sentences using the commutative law were wonderful-well done! Ella Osho, you’ve had an amazing first few weeks here at Southwick-well done! Allena Potts, you’ve have an amazing effort in everything you do and we will mis you lots!

Year 3: Benjamin Knowlson, your vocabulary and contributions in science this week have been great-well done! Daisy Towle, your place value work this week was wonderful and you massively impressed us-well done! Birsen Aksoy, your hard work in our swimming lessons has been amazing-well done! Ava-Lilly Jurdison, you have been a great ,member of our school and we are really going to miss you-well done!

Year 4: Ruby Jurdison, we are so sad to see you leave but your new school are so very lucky to have you-we will miss you! Gracie McBride, your independent work in all lessons has been amazing-well done!

Year 5: Kai Johnson, your amazing work in English this week has knocked our socks off! Well done and keep it up! Jay Jay Dickinson, we are so proud of your wonderful attitude to learning since beginning year 5. Well done and keep it up!

Year 6: Lucas Dawson, you have been the most amazing member of our class and we will miss you so much! Alisha Drinkald, you give 100% in every single maths lesson and are an amazing role model-well done! Harry Arnold, you answered so many questions in our Spanish lessons this week-well done!


This week’s focus was to think about everyone’s right to learn. This is such an important one and we had some great responses this week-well done everyone!

Year 1: Kye McCully, you support your friends to achieve their goals-well done! Darcy Letson Ward, you follow all the class rules and encourage everyone to do the same-well done!

Year 2: Nylah Foot, you always listen to others and use a quiet hand-well done! Isabella, you are always an amazing role model-well done! Blake Anderson, you always make the right choices-well done!

Year 3: Elizabeth Oloyede, you are a fantastic role model in our school-well done! Jack Arnold, you always follow the class rules and allow everyone to learn-well done! Jackson Lawson-Sykes, you always model excellent behaviour-well done!

Year 4: Lola Smith, you are a considerate, conscientious and hard-working young lady-well done! Robbie Moore, your attitude and behaviour have been amazing this week-well done!

Year 5: Darcy Wilkinson, you are always so considerate of those around you. Keep it up! Talia Drinkald, you had some wonderful ideas in this week’s jigsaw lesson while discussing everyone’s right to learn.

Year 6: Class 15, you are all respectful and mature young adults-well done! Leah Reynolds, you are an amazing role model and always respect others-well done!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

It’s with a heavy heart that we say goodbye to Mrs Laverick today. She is going back into midwifery and is as sad as we are to be leaving-we will all miss you very much and we were all so lucky to get to work with you-thank you Mrs Laverick!


This week’s winners are Class 4 with 99.4% Well done everyone!


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