Rewards 22nd January 2021

Nursery: Richard Lowe, you have earned your certificate for being an absolute star in everything you have done this week-well done, Richard, keep it up!

Key Stage 1: Jensen Bates Whitfield, you have earned this certificate for trying your best all week-you are fantastic-keep it up Jensen!

Year 3: Alice Brown. you have impressed everyone this week with your amazing number work. You’re a maths whizz at your bonds to 100-well done, Alice!

Year 4: Logan Crooks, you are a star this week for your superb effort with your reading-keep it up, Logan! Isla Latimer, your continued hard work and attitude in maths lessons has earned you a certificate this week-well done! Jasie-Leigh Roberts, you have been amazing in literacy this week, your excellent attitude and effort has impressed everyone you clever girl! Macie Crinson-you have been wonderful during our work on column addition this week-your work ethic is commendable-well done Macie!

Year 5: Riley Allan and Oliver Dennis, you two were amazing this week when you planned and delivered your own PE lesson to the class-everyone is so proud-well done boys!

People at home have also been working super hard this week-children and adults! This week’s home learning certificates have been awarded to….

Nursery: Lilly-Rose Harding, your home learning has been amazing this week and everyone in school is so impressed-well done, Lilly!

Reception: Daisy Towle you are a home learning hero this week for all of your fantastic home learning-keep it up, Daisy!

Year 1: Alesky Staniszewski, you are a home learning hero for all of the work you have done this week-everyone at school is so very proud, well done, Alesky!

Year 2: Ella Jenkins, you are a home learning hero this week because of all of the work you do-you make us so proud each day with your wonderfully completed tasks-well done, Ella!

Year 3: Jack Robinson, you are a home learning hero because you have completed all of your tasks brilliantly AND you keep sending in extra activities you have completed at home too-you absolute star!

Year 4: Logan Foot, you are a hero for your home learning-you impress everyone with the amount and quality of the work you send in-we are all super proud! Well done, Logan!

Year 5: Josh Wallwork-you have impressed everyone in school with the amount of effort you consistently put into every home learning task you do-we are all so very proud Josh! Ahmed Aldiri, you are a homework hero because of how hard you are trying with every task, you are amazing and we are all so very impressed! Well done boys!


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