Rewards 23rd June 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Cassius King, you are working so hard to make the right choices and you wrote a fantastic thank you letter to the fish quay-well done! Lilly Coates, you have had a brilliant week and you have been so enthusiastic in all subjects-well done!

Year 2: Carson King, you come into school everyday, always try your best and ask lovely and thoughtful questions-well done! Freya Rainton, your explanations and discussions were amazing when ordering seaside pictures chronologically-well done!

Year 3: Lola Smith, you have completed extra research on The River Wear at home-you are a star-well done! Orion McHenry, you are so dedicated towards keeping our outdoor area a safe environment for insects-well done!

Year 4: Aj Harrison, your effort and enthusiasm this week in music week when learning about John Williams has been amazing-well done! James Short, you tried so hard when learning the recorder this week-well done!

Year 5: Harley Jeffrey, your explanations in geography about coastal erosion were great-well done! You also have a second certificate for your fantastic effort in swimming too-what a star you are!

Year 6: Brendan Dorothy, your work in maths when measuring angles was amazing-well done! Jayden Wheatley, this is for simply being you! You are such a kind and considerate young man and a true role model-well done!


This week’s focus was to understand and respect the changes you see in yourself. We were all amazing at recognising changes and why we are changing-well done everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Ivy Love and Isabelle Gascoigne-Toms, you both love to share your new experiences-well done girls!

Year 2: Oledo Abasarim, you understand what your body needs and drink lots of water when you are hot-well done! Thomas Defty, you always share your thoughts and feelings in a respectful way-well done!

Year 3: Mia Pearson, you are so positive about changes in your life-well done! Evah Dixon, you are so excited for your new brother and are already changing into an amazing big sister-well done!

Year 4: Rio Archer, you can talk about and identify changes in your body-well done! Ansel Garand, you can reflect on changes you have been through-well done!

Year 5: Lucas Hubbert, you can identify strategies to help yourself in times of change-well done! Jenny Fenwick, you have a mature approach to class discussions-well done!

Year 6: Frazer Brown, you know big change is coming and you are reflecting on yourself and preparing for these changes-well done! Lexie Johnson, you have enjoyed visiting your new school-well done!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Sofia Brown and Jessica Callaghan impressed us massively this week with their problem solving skills in maths. They completed a maths investigation as a team brilliantly! They worked systematically, their trial and improvement strategies were excellent and the mathematical language they used in their discussions was amazing too-well done both of you! Logan Foot has also massively impressed with the art he did at home in the style of Norman Cornish. We were blown away (again!) with your talent-well done Logan!


This week’s winners are Class…


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