Rewards 24th November 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Ollie Miller, your subtraction fact families in maths were amazing-well done! Rio Foot, your knowledge on how to make bread was brilliant-well done!

Year 2: Jack Quinn, you tried your best in RWI and helped others with their reading and writing-well done! Lilah Haddock, your attitude to learning our Nativity songs has been brilliant-well done! Chijioke Nnaji, your painting of the Great Fire of London using Pointilism was wonderful-well done!

Year 3: Benjamin Knowlson, your perserverance with AR quizzes has been wonderful-keep it up and well done! Ava Dempster, you have put 100% into your work this week and have been trying so hard to concentrate in lessons-well done! CJ Stubbs, your effort and attitude to your learning has been great and you are always eager to answer questions-well done!

Year 4: Jade Pearson, your effort and enthusiasm in PE was wonderful and you kept everyone right with their routine-thank you! Sam Burlinson, your work in maths this week has been amazing and your attitude has been fantastic as always! Well done Sam!

Year 5: Frankie Rowe, you worked so well as part of a team in our science investigation and we are so proud of you-well done! Layad Mangure, your efforts in literacy are great and you are really trying hard and should be so proud-well done! Kalvin Dorothy, your sentences in literacy were super, we loved your adverbial phrases-well done!

Year 6: Joshua Otoukpamonuyi, your hand is up all of the time and you are so enthusiastic in every lesson, giving 100% at all times-well done!


This week’s focus was to try to solve problems and we were amazing with our responses this week-well done everyone!

This week’s certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Peter Burt, you always try your best and never give up when learning your sounds-well done! Scott Towle, you include your friends and share toys at playtime-well done!

Year 2: Darci-Lee Wright, you helped your friend get back into the green zone when they were upset-you are a star! Mmasinachi Abasirim, you always try to solve problems in different ways-well done! Daniel Nsirim, you show resilience and perserverance in all problems-well done!

Year 3: Louie Tench, you can think of mature ways to solve problems-well done! Hasan Zamel, you were amazing with solutions during our role play-well done! Maddison Curry, you know how to help if someone is feeling sad-well done!

Year 4: Mia Pearson, you helped your friend when they were upset and offered support-well done! Finley Broome Letson, you hlp others at all times and are so kind and considerate-well done!

Year 5: A J Harrison, you are great at seeing things from other people’s point of view-well done! Talia Drinkald, you know when to seek help when a problem arises-well done!

Year 6: Aryanna Kyriakides, you always try your best to help other people and find a resolution to any problem-well done!

Head Teacher Shout Out!


This week’s winners are Class…


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