Rewards 25th June

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Sam Burlinson, this certificate has been awarded because you are always kind to your friends and you always make sure they are OK-well done, Sam! Jenson Bates Whitfield, this is for trying your best all week and making the right choices-well done, Jenson!

Year 2: Siana Middleton, this is for your wonderful imagination and use of punctuation in your writing this week-we are all so proud-well done! Neeve Conlon, this is for simply being you! You always try your best, you are a great friend and you have a smile that lights up the room-well done, Neeve!

Year 3: Faith Davies, this is for your hard work and determination when learning in maths this week. You never gave up! Well done, Faith! Jack Patterson, you have had a fantastic attitude towards all lessons this week-you have been a super star! Well done, Jack!

Year 4: Evie Harrison, your brilliant hard-working attitude in literacy has been amazing! You created a wonderful double page s[read about Germany too-well done, Evie! Kenzie Phillips, this is for simply being you! You are an amazing young man with a heart of gold! Well done, Kenzie! Jayden Wheatley, your superb literacy work about Germany was amazing this week-you should be very proud!

Year 5: Krystal Towle, this is for being such a happy, dedicated and caring member of our school-you are a star! Ruby Bell, this is for just being you! You are a kind and caring friend and put 100% into everything you do-well done, Ruby! Vincent Gowland, this is for your amazing maths work this week-you can convert fractions like a wizard! Well done, Vincent! Jayden Docherty, this is for remembering lots of facts about Italy, you made a fantastic fact file-well done!

Year 6: Louis Jackson, this is for your amazing attitude towards your maths work. You always give 100% effort! A huge well done, Louis! Class 14, your behaviour was amazing in PE this week. It was so lovely to have other adults in school comment on how lovely you all were-well done everyone! Lucas Cromack, this is for being an all round super star! You have really concentrated on your reading and made huge improvements-well done, Lucas!


This week’s Jigsaw focus was to understand and respect changes we see in ourselves. This is a tricky one, but with all of our Jigsaw learning this week the children all have strategies they can use and they now see that change is a natural a normal part of growing up.

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Sarah Turnbull, you understand and respect changes and you are able to recognise when you are ready to learn. Well done, Sarah! Lily Shakesby, you are also recognising changes within yourself and you always know when you are ready to learn too! Well done, Lily!

Year 2: Amelia Catcheside, you always recognise changes and you have been so happy in school since you turned 7! What a lovely change to notice, Amelia! Jack Geeson, you can talk about how you feel and use the Zones of Regulation to support yourself-this is fantastic, Jack!

Year 3: Zander Tumwjukye, you can discuss how you have changed over the year-well done, Zander! Harley Jeffrey, you were amazing when you talked about the changes in yourself during your time in year 3!

Year 4: Grace Wallace, you are so sensible and are realising the need to become more independent, well done, Grace! Fletcher Murphy, you are changing and maturing and being so sensible about it-well done, Fletcher! Theon Luckham, you are so mature and take all changes in your stride! Well done, Theon!

Year 5: Josh Wallwork, you have matured over the year and are certainly ready for year 6! Well done, Josh! Jamie Sanderson, you have such a mature attitude and positive attitude and you are so ready for the next challenge-well done! Lily McCririe, you are able to seek advice and support from your friends and adults when changes occur-well done, Lily!

Year 6: Corey Reynolds, you have shown such maturity in so many ways this year-we are very proud, well done! Phoebe Sommerford, you understand how to help yourself when feeling anxious-you have lots of strategies, well done! Layton Hubbert, you have made great changes this year and you have became and even better you! Well done, Layton!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

This week has been so busy for Mr Robson and he has loved seeing all of your work! A special mention to Theon Luckham in year 4 who managed to complete the Sunderland 5K in under 32 minutes! Well done, Theon!


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