Rewards 25th March 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Reception: Deacon Templeton, you have tried so hard this week to be independent, well done! ` Aliyah Dempster, you have came into school happy this week and you have had a really positive week, well done! Holden Wilson, you have had some fantastic answers about our farm topic this week, well done! Jesse Heskett, you have worked so hard this week in R.W.I. Your writing has been fantastic, well done!

Year 1: The Whole of year 1, you were all amazing and a brilliant audience when on your virtual tour of Beamish-well done!

Year 2: Gracie McBride, you knew your assembly lines off by heart as you had practiced so much-well done, Gracie! Jenson Bates Whitfield, you have had an amazing attitude towards your presentation and handwriting this week-well done, Jenson-keep it up!

Year 3: Charlie James, you are always pushing yourself to achieve your goals, you are a pleasure to teach and we are so lucky to have you-well done, Charlie! Mason Loades, you have tried so hard in all lessons this week-keep working hard and we are so proud of you! Well done, Mason!

Year 4: All of Year 4-you were all fantastic in your class assembly this week-everyone is so proud! Alice Brown, you have tried so hard in maths this week-keep it up-well done, Alice! Riley Whitfield, your behaviour in and out of the classroom has massively improved-you are making great choices-well done, Riley!

Year 5: Logan Addison, your work with division problem solving was amazing! You are a star and we are so proud-well done, Logan! Brendan Dorothy, you have worked so hard when learning about the phases of the moon and you were able to demonstrate your findings well. Well done, Brendan! Bayley Galer, this is for your amazing skills in tennis-you really impressed us all with how hard you worked-well done, Bayley! Stephen Carter, you were also amazing when learning about the phases of the moon-we were so proud! Well done, Stephen!

Year 6: Tiffany Luckham, you were amazing during our trip to Show Racism The Red Card-you were an excellent representative of our school (again!) Well done, Tiffany! Elody Johnson, your attitude to your work has been amazing! We love to hear you read! Well done, Elody!


This week’s focus was to know how to keep ourselves and others safe and we have had amazing lessons with lots of good suggestions from everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Alisha Smith, you always keep our outside area tidy and safe-thank you Alisha! Connor Smith, Connor Smith, you also always tidy the toys and keep everyone safe outside! Louie Clark, you think carefully about your choices whilst thinking of others-well done, Louie!

Year 2: Alesky Staniszewski, you check everyone is safe at playtime-well done, Alesky! Natalia Dinsdale, you know how to be safe when walking near a road-well done, Natalia!

Year 3: Jesse Bretwood, you support adults in maintaining the outdoor area-well done, Jesse! Rio Archer, you recognise dangers outside and tell adults when something has happened outside of school-well done, Rio!

Year 4: Jenny Fenwick, you are always a fantastic and caring friend who tries to include everyone-thank you Jenny! Dzesika Barkevica, you always move around school in a sensible way to keep everyone safe-well done, Dzesika!

Year 5: Evie Harrison, you move around school sensibly and are a fantastic role model for others-well done, Evie! Logan Storey, you always care for your friends and make sure they are safe-thank you Logan!

Year 6: Everyone who went to Show Racism The Red Card, you all looked after each other beautifully yesterday-you made sure everyone was safe, included and happy-we are so proud of you all!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

This week has been another fabulous week and Mr Robson has been especially proud of Brendan Dorothy who wowed him with his in-depth knowledge of the phases of the moon-well done Brendan! Abigail, Sophia, Temi, Alanah D and Alanah R in year 6 wowed him with their story linked to the Highwayman from Tim the ostler’s point of view too-well done girls!


This week’s winners are Class 10 with 97.6% Well done Class 10!


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