Rewards 26th February 2021

This week’s in school stars are…

Nursery: Adalyn Ariana Forster, you have worked so hard this week and we are all very proud, keep it up!

Reception: Nikodem Turas, you are a star for always trying your best and being so friendly all the time-well done, Nikodem!

Year 1: Ronnie Smith, you always try to make the right choices and you are always kind to your friends and teachers-well done, Robbie!

Year 2: Rochelle Anderson, you have earned your certificate this week for working your socks off every week! We are so proud of you Rochelle, keep it up!

Year 4: Lilley Addison, you are a star this week for Just being you! You are always positive and make us smile every day! Macie Crinson, you have earned your certificate this week for always trying your best with everything we do in school-you are a star!

Year 5: Lennon Haddock – You have been awarded this merit certificate for always showing so much enthusiasm in our literacy lessons. You are a star! Delaney Templeton-you are a certificate star for trying hard in all areas of learning this week, keep it up!

Year 6: Logan Morritt, you have earned your certificate for being a superstar all day, every day! You really are amazing Logan – well done! 

This week’s Home Learning Hero certificates have been awarded to…

Nursery: Jesse Heskett, you are a Home Learning Hero for all of the effort you have put in-we are all so proud of you, well done!

Reception: Maddison Curry, you are a Home Learning Hero for working so hard all the way through lockdown! Well done, Maddison!

Year 1: Lucas Brown, you are a Home Learning Hero for your fantastic maths work and for also trying very hard with your topic learning this week, we are very proud!

Year 2: Rio Archer, you are a Home Learning Hero this week for always trying your best and impressing us all with your fabulous work-well done, Rio!

Year 4: Summer Willis, you are a Home Learning Hero this week for the resilience you show to your work-you are amazing! Lily Rain, you are also a Home Learning Hero for your super home learning and commitment to your school work-well done girls!

Year 5: Aaron Wilkinson – You have been awarded this homework superstar certificate for producing some fantastic work at home. We are so proud of you! Abby Sommerford – You have been awarded this homework superstar certificate for the wonderful homework you have produced at home. You star! Brooke Belford-Trusty – You have been awarded this homework superstar certificate for your amazing effort and contributions to our online learning sessions.Lily McCririe – You have been awarded this homework superstar certificate for all of the amazing effort you put into our online learning sessions.

Year 6: Layla Nilsson, you have earned this certificate for being a wonderful member of the class – even when it is online! Well done, Layla, keep up the good work!


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