Rewards 26th November 2021

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

EYFS: Myla Davies, this is for excellent listening and wonderful answers in RWI-well done! Hunter Smith, you tried your very best when singing our nativity songs-well done, Hunter! Lily Coates, this is for working really hard in all areas this week-we are so proud of you! Jack Quinn, you have had fantastic answers in number this week-you have really impressed us!

Year 1: Emmy-Eve, your fantastic writing on the lines in RWI has made us so proud this week-well done Emmy! Thomas Defty, you have tried so hard to read the green words in RWI-your blending was brilliant! Kira Richardson, your labeling of your healthy lunch box was amazing-we are all very proud!

Year 2: Lily Lawson, this is for trying your best in every subject-you make us all so very proud! Keep it up, Lily! Nour Sharaf, you are always willing to share your ideas in our class discussions-well done and thank you!

Year 3: Layad Manure, you have a wonderful attitude towards your work and you are always pushing to achieve more-well done, Layad! Mrs Mahone’s maths group-you are amazing everyday and you blow us away with your fantastic attitude to learning! Well done all of you! Tommy Lusby, you have approached your spelling challenges excellently this week and we are so impressed! Well done, Tommy!

Year 4: Larna Scott, you try hard in absolutely everything you do-you are a star! Well done, Larna! Alfie Duke, your TV news report about the Christchurch earthquake was amazing-you had so many wonderful ideas-well done, Alfie!

Year 5: Macie Crinson, you have tried so hard in your numeracy and literacy lessons this week-we have been so impressed-well done, Macie! Brendan Dorothy, this is for your fantastic contributions in our history lessons this week-keep it up! Well done, Brendan! Lily Rain, this is for your fantastic expression during our reading sessions-well done, Lily!

Year 6: Abigail Luckham, this is for being an absolute credit to everyone, in and out of school! You are an absolute pleasure to have around! Well done, Abigail! Blake McLaughlin, this is for simply being you-your smile and attitude brightens everyone’s day! Thank you Blake! Eden Sampson, this is for your wonderful attitude towards your maths assessments this week-well done, Eden!


This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Miles McBurnie, you are beginning to find solutions to solving problems-well done, Miles! James McMahon, you help your friends during Jigsaw sessions when they are struggling-thank you James! Amber-Rae Bell, you try to find ways to solve problems yourself-well done, Amber!

Year 2: Lola Smith, you always think of different solutions to problems-well done, Lola! Fraser McLaughlin, you try to solve problems for your friends on the yard, well done, Fraser!

Year 3: Kalvin Dorothy, you always support your friends during RWI and help them with their problems-well done, Kalvin! Talia Drinkald, you always look to help others solve problems-you are a star!

Year 4: Lucas Dawson, you always try to solve problems and you are a very caring member of our school-thank you Lucas! Luke Stothard, you are able to discuss ways to help anyone that needs it-well done, Luke!

Year 5: Mia Jarvis, you are a kind and thoughtful member of the class and will always help others-thank you Mia! Stephen Carter, you are such a kind friend who loves to help others-thank you Stephen! Alora Wilson, you always try to help everyone at all times-thank you Alora!

Year 6: Billy Robins, you always look for a solution to problems and in a very mature way-thank you Billy! Amber Hopper, you try hard to solve problems and actively seek adult support and advice if you need it-well done, Amber! Elody Johnson, you knew when to find help to solve a tricky problem this week-well done, Elody!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Harry Ewart in year 6 massively impressed Mr Robson this week with his science learning on animals and classification. Well done, Harry-you blew Mr Robson’s socks off!


This week’s winners are Class 15 with 98.8% Well done Class 15; 2 weeks in a row!


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