Rewards 28th April 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Scarlett Robins, you have been working so hard in all of your lessons-well done and keep it up! Madison-Rose Hall, your writing has been AMAZING! You take so much pride in your work and it’s wonderful!

Year 2: Millie Glover, you have had a fantastic attitude to all of your learning this week-keep it up! David Briceag, you have had a wonderful first week at our school and we are so lucky to have you! Mariya Elsayed, you have a wonderful attitude to all of your learning and try your best in everything you do-well done!

Year 3: Joe Armstrong, your attitude and effort in swimming this week has been amazing and we are so proud-well done! Fraser McLaughlin, your attitude and enthusiasm in music lessons is amazing-you are a star!

Year 4: Michael Graham, your work in literacy has been wonderful-you are trying your very best and always have wonderful ideas-well done! You also have one for your maths work and we are so impressed with your effort and enthusiasm-keep it up!

Year 5: Hollie Patterson, you have worked so hard in maths to understand rounding decimals-well done! Larna Scott, your amazing work and perseverance in maths with your tables challenge has made us so proud-well done!

Year 6: Jae Gladstone, your work with fractions was amazing-as was the resilience you showed-well done! Amy Flood, your attitude and enthusiasm is as wonderful as usual-you are an absolute star! Kenzie Phillips, you were amazing on our Daily Mile-well done!


This week’s focus was to try to solve friendship issues when they occur. We have had some wonderful discussions in school and the suggestions we have had have been fabulous-well done everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Linden Proctor, you adapted your play so everyone could join in-well done! Blake Anderson, you asked your friend to play when they were lonely-well done!

Year 2: Ayla Pennock, you always know when and how to help your friends-well done! Miles McBurnie, you always help your friends get back into the green zone-well done! Dante McHenry, you solve problems by yourself when spending time with your friends-well done!

Year 3: Fraser McLaughlin, you are fantastic when thinking of a win-win solution-well done! Keeron Roberts, you have great ideas about how to solve issues and you consider everyone’s feelings-well done!

Year 4: Carly Bewick, you always support your friends when there are issues-well done! Olivia Kennedy, you can discuss positive reactions to friendship issues-well done!

Year 5: Ben Nicholson, your answers in our discussions about how to solve conflicts were excellent-well done! Oyindamola Akinola, you are always a kind and lovely friend to all-well done!

Year 6: Stephen Carter, your mature and sensible attitude diffuses many issues-keep being you! Clayton Sewell, you ensure all issues are sorted in a sensible and mature way-well done! Sofia Brown, you always think about other people’s feelings-well done!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Everyone in school is impressing us all this week-your enthusiasm, attitude and effort is wonderful and you are all amazing! Keep it up everyone!


This week’s winners are Class 3 and 4 with 93% Well done Class 3 and 4!


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