Rewards 28th June 2024

Thus week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Kye McCully, your writing was amazing when we were learning about beach safety-well done!

Year 2: Bella Stead, you used some amazing conjunctions when building sentences for our explanation-well done! Lucas Jones, you are a little star as you always try your best and are so caring-well done! Chijioke Nnaji, you have been a writing superstar this week and used amazing exclamations-well done!

Year 3: Lilly Robins, your effort during our swimming lessons has been amazing-you swim like a mermaid-well done! Kevan Gerand, your effort and hard work in our art lessons this week was amazing-you are a star!

Year 4: Lily Lawson, this is for simply being you! You are a lovely young lady who works hard and always makes us smile-well done! Steven Doran, you are trying so hard in maths to tell the time and it’s so tricky but you don’t give up-keep it up Steven!

Year 5:

Year 6:

This week’s Jigsaw focus was to understand and respect the changes they see in other people. We had such mature responses in our Jigsaw lessons and we are so proud of you all-well done!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Ivy Neal, you always respect your peers-well done!

Year 2: Kitan Bakare, you are respectful and thoughtful of others all of the time-well done! Ivy Love, you were so helpful when your friend lost their tooth-well done! Holden Wilson, you respect and care for others without judgement and always include everyone-well done!

Year 3: Kye Barker Robins, you always celebrate the positive changes people make-well done! Connor Smith, you always support and respect your friends through changes that are happening-well done!

Year 4: Eleora Awenolimobor, your levels of maturity when discussing changes were fabulous-you are a star! Mercy Osho, you were so sensible in lessons this week and asked some wonderfl questons about the changes we’d discussed-well done!

Year 5:

Year 6:

This week, the year 4 tennis players massively impressed with their sportsmanship and effort in the tournament at Silksworth Sports Centre. You were all amazing and brilliant ambassadors for our school-well done! Reports from year 5 and year 6 at Derwent Hill have been excellent and you have made us all proud with your teamwork and resilience-well done all of you!

This week’s winners are Class 15 with 98% Well done Class 15!

This week’s winner is Payge Galer for her excellent assistance to others on the yard-well done Payge!


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