Rewards 28th March 2024

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Jafar Zamel, you have been showing a real inerest in toys from the past-well done! Ebony Green, you have had an amazing week and are a star!

Year 2: Darci Lee, you scored 100% on your maths assessment-well done for all of your hard work and determination-well done! Taylor Lusby, your knowledge and enthusiasm when learning about our scince topic was wonderful-well done! Andre Efejuku, you try your best in everything you do-well done!

Year 3: Ava Dempster, you’ve made huge improvements on the spelling and presentation of your work-well done! Hasan Zamel, you have been working so hard in topic lessons and have produced some excellent work on seed dispersal-well done! Stevie-Jo Ross, you always give 100% and are a true role model-well done!

Year 4: Paris Wiseman, you have had a wonderful term and are a pleasure to teach-well done! Mia Pearson, this is for your effort and enthusiasm in maths-well done!

Year 5: Kai Johnson, you have 2 certificates this week! The first is for your amazing performance when reading poetry-you are a star! Yur second is for being so brave at swimming-we are all so proud of you-well done!

Year 6: All of Year 6, all of your amazing hard work and resilience on the run up to SAT’s has been amazing-well done!

This week’s focus was to keep themselves and others safe-we had some excellent suggestions in our Jigsaw sessions this week-well done everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Darcie Letson Ward, you are a kind friend to everyone-well done! Millie May Nicholson, you are kind to all of your peers-well done!

Year 2: Payge Galer, you are kind and caring to everyone you meet-well done! Lilah Haddock, you alway think about your friends before yourself-well done!

Year 3: Mariya Elsayed, you are a true role model of what a good friend is-well done! NikodemTuras, you ALWAYS support your friends and are an excellent role model to others-well done! Spencer King, you could share lots of ways to be a good friend-well done!

Year 4: Evah Dixon, you are always sensible and well-behaved at all times-well done! Keeron Roberts, you are a great friend to everyone, well done!

Year 5: Neeve Conlon, you are always so kind and supportive-well done!

Year 6: Daniel Ishola, you care for others and cheer them up when needed-well done!

Choir certainly impressed this week with their redition of Serving King for parents at our Easter assembly-you were amazing-well done! Everyone in school has impressed us all (and parents). Your Easter assemblies were wonderful and you hae made us all so proud!


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