Rewards 29th April 2021

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Sam Burlinson, your fantastic ‘fredding’ in RWI and your growing confidence have impressed us all this week-keep it up Sam, well done! Sarah Turnbull, your fantastic RWI work and the sheer effort you have show have been amazing-well done, keep it up!

Year 2: Amelia Anderson, this certificate is for your amazing imperative verb work this week-you have impressed us all with your literacy skills-well done, Amelia! Aston Burlinson, your outstanding effort to improve your handwriting has been very impressive this week-we are so proud of you-keep it up!

Year 3: Bryony Anderson, your fabulous effort when writing your diary entry in the role of Boudicca was amazing this week-you are a star! Mrs Foxton and Mahone’s Literacy Group, you have absolutely blown us away this week with your fantastic narratives of Boudicca’s final battle, we are so incredibly proud of you all-well done! Henry Gowland, your very detailed and imaginative weapon design, using wonderful folding and joining techniques earned you this certificate-we think you would have made a fabulous Roman soldier!

Year 4: Molly Skinner, this is for 100% effort in everything you do! Your literacy work this week has been wonderful-well done Molly! Kayden Brown, this is for your attitude in literacy this week, your answers have blown our socks off! Well done Kayden! Clayton Sewell, this is for always trying your best in everything you do-you are an excellent role model! Keep it up Clayton! Jayden Wheatley, this is for your amazing instructions on the mummification process-your final draft was a work of art-well done Jayden!

Year 5: Brooke Belford-Trusty, well done for your resilience this week in maths-you never gave up and we can’t ask for anymore than this-well done, Brooke! Max Dombkowski, this certificate is for your fantastic science knowledge and for rembering the parts of a flowering plant-that knowledge has certainly been embedded in your long term memory-well done! Mrs Purvis’ Reading Group, this is for your enthusiasm and effort in lessons this week-we are all so proud of you-well done everyone! Ahmed Aldiri, your wonderful effort and resilience in maths this week has made you a long multiplication hero-well done, Ahmed!


This week’s Jigsaw focus was to make others feel part of a group. We are a happy school with very thoughtful children, who this is second nature for-everyone deserved a certificate this week and it was extremely hard to choose!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Evah Dixon, you always make others feel part of a group and play with everyone, not just your friends-well done, Evah! Robbie Moore, you always let everyone play with you-you are such a kind member of year 1-well done, Robbie!

Year 2: Ella Jenkins, you ALWAYS go out of your way to include everyone! Thank you Ella! Carly Bewick, you always include everyone in group activities-you are a kind and caring friend, well done, Carly!

Year 3: Zander Tumwijukye, you are always friendly and include everyone on the yard-well done, Zander and well done year 3!

Year 4: Casey Brown, you always look out for others and go out of your way to include others at all times-well done, Casey! Masie-Jo Reaper, you have been so kind and caring towards everyone this week and you have ensured everyone is happy-thank you Masie-Jo! Logan Percy, you have played brilliantly with everyone this week and you’ve made sure everyone could join in games-well done Logan!

Year 5: Jayden Isherwood, you have made the right choices when playing with other children on the yard-well done, Jayden! Alanah Robson, you are such a kind friend with the most gorgeous smile that makes everyone feel welcome-well done, Alanah! Krystal Towle, you always include everyone in your games and never leave anyone out-you are so kind and caring-well done, Krystal! Hollie Patterson, you asked every member of the class if they wanted to take part in the game you were playing-what a lovely thing to do-well done, Hollie!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Well we have kept Mr Robson on his toes again this week so well done everyone! Molly Skinner, you managed to make him speechless this week with her fantastic sentences on the wicked witch-your spelling and presentation were amazing too-well done, Molly!

Well done everyone in Southwick and thank you for making this another wonderful week-take extra care this bank holiday weekend and we will see you all on Tuesday!


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