Rewards 29th September 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Theia Wallace, you have a super attitude to learning-you are a star! Millie-May Nicholson, you always try your best in English lessons-well done!

Year 2: Harry Redwin, you have a fantastic attitude and always try your best-well done! Bella Stead, you listen carefully and always put your hand up to contribute in lessons, well done!

Year 3: Faith Watson, you always put 100% into everything you do-you are a star! Olaedo, you are a pleasure to teach and always give 100%-well done! Layla Newton, your RE work was fantastic! You drew a wonderful deity-well done!

Year 4: Chuchu Nnaji, you are becoming more independent in PE and are getting changed by yourself-well done! Fraser McLaughlin, your enthusiasm and effort in hockey was amazing-you are a star!

Year 5: Sonny Robins, your hard work and effort in maths this week has been amazing-you are a star! Rio Archer, this is for your super reasoning and concentration in maths-well done!

Year 6: Zachary Clark, you were a fantastic trouble shooter in our computing lesson-well done! Calum Kennedy, your enthusiasm and effort in science this week was amazing-well done! Lucas Hubbert, you’ve worked so hard in all subjects this week-well done!


This week’s focus was to care about other people’s feelings. We are a great team here and the contributions we had in lessons was wonderful!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Isaac Watson, you always try to help your friends when they’re sad-well done! Sofia Binkl, you are so caring and thoughtful towards others-well done!

Year 2: Lilah Haddock, you are so kind and caring-well done! Scarlett Robins, you are always kind to everyone-well done!

Year 3: Dainton Templeton, you are always kind and considerate of others-well done! Kira Richardson, you care about your friends and always check on them-well done! Olaedo, you always consider other people’s feelings-keep being you!

Year 4: April Williams. you are such a kind and caring friend-well done! Ivan Glover, you do your best to make everyone smile-you are wonderful!

Year 5: Siana Middleton, you are always a wonderful friend-well done! Amelia Anderson, you are a great friend and always help and support others-well done!

Year 6: Isabella Dickson, you are such a kind, caring and considerate young lady-well done! Zachary Clark, you are always considerate of how others feel-well done!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Everyone involved in our Harvest Festival has massively impressed this week: year 6 readers, choir and school council-you were all amazing-well done! Ivan Glover and Natalia Dinsdale also massively impressed this week with their classification keys in science-well done both of you!


This week’s winners are Class 4 with 97% Well done all of you!


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