Rewards 30th September 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Linden Proctor, you have been trying so hard this week with your learning and you’re a star! Well done, Linden! Kanzi Hegazi, you have had a fantastic first week at Southwick and we are so lucky to have you!

Year 2: Lincoln Percy, your writing in RWI has been amazing-what a star! Mariya Elsayed, you have settled into year 2 brilliantly and have had a wonderful fist week-well done, Mariya! Benjamin Knowlson, you have been fantastic when turn taking and sharing-well done, Benjamin!

Year 3: Natalia Dinsdale, your attitude to your reading is amazing and you are making us so proud-well done, Natalia! L’Jai Lockwood, you have had such a positive week in school and we are all so happy-keep it up!

Year 4: Charlie James, your Egyptian mask was amazing and you worked so hard on it-well done, Charlie! Conal Murphy, your enthusiasm during our lesson on mummification was brilliant-as were your questions-well done, Conal!

Year 5: Alice Brown, you have been such a fabulous part of our school and we will miss you but your new school are so lucky to have you-well done, Alice! Isabella Dickson, your effort in maths to partition numbers in different ways was wonderful-well done, Isabella!

Year 6: Logan Foot, Your participation in guided reading is amazing-well done, Logan! Jasmine Doughty, your drawings of South American animals in art was amazing-well done, Jasmine! Logan Storey, your effort and attitude in maths this week has been wonderful-keep it up Logan!


This week’s focus was to care about other people’s feelings. We are so caring and considerate and some of the responses you all said this week were wonderful!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Myla Davies, you have helped new friends settle into school-well done Myla! Harry Redwin, you are always and kind and caring member of our class-well done, Harry!

Year 2: Maddison Curry, you have been amazing this week with apologising and we are so proud! Georgie Hylton, you always take care of your friends when they are in the blue zone-well done, Georgie! Ava-Lilly Jurdison, you always think of others and love making new friends-well done, Ava!

Year 3: Robbie Moore, you are always a caring friend and support your friends when they are hurt or upset-well done, Robbie! Aleksy Staniszewski, you are a great role model and always consider how your fiends are feeling-well done, Aleksy!

Year 4: Mason Loades, you always think about how others feel-you are a star! Lukas Lawson-Sykes, you are a thoughtful and friendly boy who always thinks of others-well done, Lukas!

Year 5: Henry Gowland, you made our new student feel very welcome this week-well done, Henry! Zachary Clark, you helped our new starter feel very welcome-thank you Zachary!

Year 6: Lexie Johnson, you are always such a kind friend that looks after others-well done, Lexie! Lainey Rae Brett, you are doing such a wonderful job as well being ambassador-keep it up you absolute star!

Head Teacher Shout Out

They year 6 children who helped out at parent’s afternoon yesterday have massively impressed this week-you are all super stars! Lenny Love has impressed as he is always happy and positive and a lovely young man-well done Lenny!


This week’s winners are Class 8 with 100% Well done Class 8!


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