Rewards 3rd November 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: David Azubuike, you have had an amazing week and been a superstar in everything-well done! Ewan McQuillan, you have had a superb week and are a star! Well done Ewan!

Year 2: Deacon Templeton, you were able to identify which appliances use electricity and explain why-well done! Cayson Stubbs, you have had a wonderful week in school, full of good choices and care for your friends-keep it up!

Year 3: Adam Oliver, your enthusiasm and contributions in our Stone Age lessons was amazing-well done!

Year 4: Fraser McLaughlin, your enthusiasm and effort in everything you do is amazing-well done! April Williams, you are an amazing mathematician and always try your best-well done!

Year 5:

Year 6: Daniel Ishola, you wrote a fantastic Halloween story at home-you are an author in the making-well done! Ben Nicholson, you always put 100% effort into reading sessions-you are a star!


This week’s focus was to accept everyone’s differences. We had some excellent discussions in lesons this week and you all proved how wonderful you all are!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Halle Davies, you are an amazing friend to everyone-well done! Ebony Green, you support all of your friends when they need help to learn-well done!

Year 2: Scarlett Robins, you recognise being unique is positive-well done! Zoe Oghenovo, you had some lovely ideas on how to make people feel included-well done!

Year 3: Harper Ditch, you have a very mature attitude towards differences-well done!

Year 4: Evah Dixon, you are kind and considerate to everyone, regardless of difference-well done! Keeron Roberts, you understand everyone is unique-well done!

Year 5:

Year 6: Lexy Nichol, you celebrate how we are all unique and have individual qualities-well done!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Lacey Clark and Callum Kennedy for being wonderful wellbeing ambassadors-you are both wonderful and have massively impressed everyone in school!


This week’s winners are Class 14 with 97% Well done all of you!


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