Rewards 4th March 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Reception: Scarlett Robins, you did some fantastic work in PE this week, well done! Jenson-James McCririe, you showed us some amazing reading skills in RWI well done ! Kayden Bulter, you have been trying really hard to make the right choices this week, well done! Allena Potts, You have done some fabulous work in RWI this week you have tried so hard, well done!

Year 1: Nikodem Turas, you showed a great understanding of teen numbers this week-well done, Nikodem! Joe Scott, you did a wonderful job this week when separating numbers onto tens and ones-well done, Joe! Carson King, you have been an excellent role model in wellbeing club this week-well done, Carson!

Year 2: Broden Newton, you have produced some fabulous inverse work in maths this week-what a star you are! Sarah Turnbull, your expression this week in your reading has been amazing-well done, Sarah!

Year 3: Sonny Robins, you have tried so hard to improve your handwriting this wee-keep it up! Well done, Sonny! Neeve Conlon, this is for just being you! You are a credit to our school and we are so lucky to have you-well done, Neeve!

Year 4: Aaman Armstrong, you have made great choices and tried hard to settle differences on the yard-well done, Aaman, we are so proud! Calum Kennedy, your double page spread was amazing due to all the hard work you put into it-well done, Calum! Mrs Seaman and Waddell’s Literacy group, your non-chronological reports on the Anglo Saxons were amazing! Well done all of you!

Year 5: All of Year 5, your amazing attitudes and enthusiasm in our Greek day was fabulous-we loved watching your drama! You all represented our school brilliantly! Well done everyone! Kasey-Ann Swalwell, you have worked so hard on addition methods this week-what a star you are! Usha Quinn-Tayo, you were an amazing role model when acting as Apollo in our Greek play! Well done, Usha!

Year 6: Ahmed Alderi, you have been an amazing reader again this week and you have impressed us all with your knowledge about space! Well done, Ahmed! Jayden Isherwood, your work on percentages has been amazing this week-keep it up! Well done, Jayden! Marcus Anderson, this is for simply being you; a wonderfully kind and hard working young man-we are lucky to have you! Krystal Towle, you have worked so hard in maths this week and we are all so very proud! Well done, Krystal!


This week’s focus was to make a healthy choice. We all know what the healthy choices are but it is sometimes very tempting to give up the treats! We have all made a great effort this week and have surprised ourselves with how easy small changes are-well done everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Layla Newton, you were able to talk about how fruit was a better choice than chocolate on a pancake-well done, Layla! Harrison Wood, you made healthy choices on Pancake Day-what a star! Daisy Towle, you used your learning to choose healthy fruits and vegetables-well done, Daisy!

Year 2: April Williams, you not only know which foods are healthy, you also understand the importance of exercise! Gracie McBride, you have chosen a healthy snack every day! Well done, Gracie!

Year 3: Tommy Lusby, you always try new foods even though it is sometimes a challenge for you! Well done, Tommy! Rio Archer, you are trying new foods to try and broaden your diet-well done, Rio!

Year 4: Ellie Taylor, you are able to think of ways to keep your mind and body healthy-well done, Ellie! Leah Reynolds, you can also think of ways to keep your mind and body healthy but also healthy relationships-well done, Leah!

Year 5: Theon Luckham, you make a healthy choice with all of the activities you take part in to keep fit-well done, Theon! Riley Wilkinson, you are so active every play time and know the effect this will have on your health-well done, Riley! Harley Leadbitter, you have chosen a healthy choice this week and played extra active games on the yard-well done, Harley!

Year 6: Lilly Keogh, you have worked hard to keep your mental health healthy this week-what an important thing to do-well done, Lilly! Brooke Belford-Trusty, you understand the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and its effects on your body-well done! Alanah Robson, you understand that you need a healthy mindset as well as a healthy body-well done Alanah!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

This week, Frankie Strong and Alisha Drinkald have massively impressed Mr Robson with their double page spreads of the Anglo Saxon era-well done you two-they were amazing!


This week’s winners are Class 9 with 100% Well done Class 9!


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