Rewards 5th July 2024

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Rio Foot, your effort during circuit training was amazing-well done! Ewan McQuillan, you have loved Health Week and had an amazing time-well done!

Year 2: All of year 2, you were all fantastic during our trip to Beamish! You are all amazing-well done! Effy Richardson, you wrote an amazing explaation text that included all of the features-well done!

Year 3: Kye Barker Robins, you are such a kind and caring friend. You always check in on others and make sure they are happy-well done! Georgie Hylton, you have blown us away with your amazing art skills-especially with water colours-well done!

Year 4: All of year 4, your effort, enthusiasm and attitudes to every single Health Week activity have been amazing-we are so proud!

Year 5: Charlie James, for your super work in maths this week. Well done and keep it up! Mason Loades, You’re a star! You have put 100% effort into every activity during sports week, we are so proud of you!

Year 6: Lacey Clark, the effort and enthusiasm you put into everything is amazing-well done! Jack Robinson, you have put everything int our performance and your singing and dancing is amazing!

This week’s focus was to know who to ask for help if we are worried about change. We have had some wonderful discussions this week in Jigsaw lessons and you should all be very proud-well done!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Bennett Donnigan, you are confident to speak to your teachers when change happens-well done! Mahour Afazali, you ask your teachers when you feel worried-well done!

Year 2: Fayrouz Aboulenour, you are asking questions to get ready for next year-well done! JJ Gillespie, you can talk about who can help if you need it-well done! Scarlett Robins, you ask for helpand can use your toolkit independently-well done!

Year 3: Ronnie Green, you have wonderful relationships with adults and can ask them for help-well done!

Year 4: Mercy Osho and Eleora Awenlimobor, you both asked adults to clarify changes that will happen so you both had factual information and were both so very mature-well done!

Year 5: Dahla Appleby, you ask adults for advice when change happens. Well Done!

Year 6: Daniel Ishola, you asked a lot of great questions about transition-well done! Hollie Patterson, you offered solutions to others about transition after asking lots of great questions-well done!

Year 2 visited Beamish this week and you were all amazing ambassadors for our school ith your manners, behaviour and attitudes-well done year 2! Year 4, Year 6 and Year 1 went to play cricket at Wearmouth Cricket Club and the feedback from staff was amazing! Well done everyone!

This week’s winners are Class 14 with 96.8% Well done Class 14!

This week’s winner is David Azuibuike for his very imaginative play on the yard-well done David!


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