Rewards 5th May 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Reception : Harry Redwin, you have had some fantastic answers in maths this week well done ! Annabelle’ Wrathall, you have worked so hard in maths this week your number sentences are fantastic ! Jack Quinn, you have had an amazing week this week you have tried your very best ! Lucas Jones, you have been a fantastic role model for all of your friends.

Year 1: Faith Watson, you try your best in everything you do and always with a huge smile on your face-well done, Faith! Class 4 and 5, you all performed so well in your class assembly and we are so proud of you-well done!

Year 2: Jade Pearson, your writing was great this week and we loved your description of the bird-well done, Jade! L’Jai Lockwood, you have come back to school with such a mature attitude and we are so very proud-well done, L’Jai!

Year 3: Kai Johnson, your problem solving in PE was amazing-you are a wonderful role model-well done, Kai!

Year 4: Ellie Taylor, your attitude and enthusiasm when learning about the water cycle was fantastic-well done, Ellie! Leah Reynolds, you are an absolute star and put 100% effort into everything you do-well done, Leah!

Year 5: Logan Percy, your work in literacy was amazing; we were so impressed with how you improved your sentences-well done, Logan! Jasie-Leigh Roberts, your effort and enthusiasm in literacy is amazing-we are so proud-well done, Jasie-Leigh! Bayley Galer, you tried so hard when telling the time-you were like a human clock! Well done, Bayley! Jae Gladstone, your enthusiasm when learning about the Anglo Saxons was amazing-well done, Jae!

Year 6: All of Year 6-you have all been absolutely amazing with your revision for next week. You are an amazing bunch and we could not be prouder of you all-we are so lucky to work with you all-thank you!


This week’s focus was to know how to solve friendship issues as they occur and we all had some excellent strategies to use in many different scenarios-well done everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Georgie Hylton, you always include everyone in your games-well done, Georgie! Lincoln Percy, you always talk to your friends and use kind words-well done, Lincoln! Ava-Lilly Jurdison, you always make the right choices with your friends-well done, Ava-Lilly!

Year 2: Fraser McLaughlin, you always think about how your friends feel-well done, Fraser! Paris Wiseman, you try and include everyone in your play-well done, Paris!

Year 3: Carly Bewick, you know when to seek advice from adults when trying to support your friends, well done, Carly! Tommy Lusby, you care about your friends and try to encourage positive friendships-well done, Tommy!

Year 4: Frankie Strong, you always speak to an adult for support and guidance-well done, Frankie! Henry Gowland, you are the voice of reason within your friendship group-well done, Henry!

Year 5: Lily Brewis, you are always so approachable and friendly and don’t like to fall out with anyone-well done, Lily! Lily Rain, you are always so kind, warm and welcoming to others-thank you Lily! Stephen Carter, you are an amazing friend and you are such a fabulous role model-well done, Stephen!

Year 6: Samanta Borsut, you know how to make and keep friends with your selfless attitude, thoughtful and kind manner and beautiful smile-well done, Samanta! Marcus Anderson, you know how to prevent friendship issues before they occur as you are so thoughtful and kind-well done, Marcus!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Mr Robson has had another great week and is especially proud of Alyx Thompson for her amazing manners and consideration of others-well done, Alyx! Year 6 were an amazing help with refitting all of the laptops in the ICT room-well done and thank you to: Jaycie-Leigh, Connie, Abby, Tiffany, Landi, Temi, Samanta, Ava and Krystal-well done all of you-you have done an amazing job!


This week’s winners are Class 16 with 98.6% Well done Class 16!


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