Rewards 5th November 2021

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Nursery: Emily Nguyen, you have taken so much pride in your work this week and it has been amazing! Well done, Emily! Ethan Wilson, you have demonstrated excellent independence with your self care this week-you are a star!

Reception: Deacon Templeton, you have worked so hard on your good sitting this week-well done, Deacon! Esamay Stobbart, you have tried so hard in both maths and literacy this week and you wrote your name brilliantly! Well done! Dennijoe Rochester, you listened excellently and gave great answers in computing lessons this week-well done, Dennijoe! Jenson McCririe, you worked so hard on your listening skills in number and you have worked so hard on your number formation-well done, Jenson!

Year 1: Benjamin Knowlson, you have produced some wonderful RWI work this week-well done and keep it up! Ayla Pennock, you have produced excellent work this week and even remembered to put full stops at the end of your sentences-well done, Ayla! Ava-Rose Dempster, you have made the right choices all week and have been very kind to your friends-well done, Ava!

Year 2: Broden Newton, this is for just being you! You are a credit to year 2 and you always make us proud. Well done, Broden! Lucas Brown, you always have your hand up and you always join in with lessons-you are a star! Well done, Lucas!

Year 3: Kalvin Dorothy, you have had a sensational week at school! You have listened, worked hard and supported your friends brilliantly-well done, Kalvin! Aston Burlinson, you have had an amazing week in literacy this week-you have worked so hard to improve your presentation-well done, Aston!

Year 4: Isabella Dickinson, you have worked so hard in art this week and your work is amazing! Well done, Isabella! Dalton King, this is for an absolutely brilliant effort in all subjects this week-well done, Dalton-you are a star! Dzesika Barkevica, this is for the 100% effort you consistently put into everything! You always try your best and we are so proud!

Year 5: Bayley Galer, you have tried so hard in maths this week when ordering and comparing numbers-you are a star! Logan Storey, you walked without your frame or sticks this week and we are bursting with pride-we are so very proud of you and your massive efforts and achievements! Lilley Addison, your excellent concentration and super colour mixing in art was great this week-you made some amazing colours! Well done, Lilley! Jessica Callaghan, you have shown such an interest in our work about WWII this week and your discussions have been excellent! Well done, Jessica!

Year 6: Max Dombkowski, you have worked so hard in maths all week and have made us all so very proud-your work ethic is unbelievable-well done, Max! Jamie Sanderson, this is for your amazing effort when using Carl Linnaeus’ classification method in science-you were amazing! Layla Brown, this is for being an excellent member of year 6 and always making us smile-thank you Layla!


This week’s focus was to accept that everyone is different. It has been so hard to choose certificate winners this week because we all recognise, accept and celebrate how everyone is different-thank you everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

EYFS: Taylor Ditch, you accept everyone is different and you are kind to everyone-well done, Taylor!

Year 1: Connor Smith, you accept everyone is different and make sure you include everyone in your games-you are a star! Maddison Curry, you also accept everyone is different and include everyone when learning and playing-well done, Maddison! Jackson Lawson-Sykes, you know everyone is different but you treat everyone equally all of the time-what a star you are!

Year 2: Robbie Moore, you always include everyone in your play and learning regardless of any differences! Well done, Robbie! Finley Broome-Letson, you include everyone in everything you do-well done, Finley!

Year 3: Neeve Conlon, you certainly accept everyone is different and your ideas and contributions in our Jigsaw lesson was amazing! Well done, Neeve!

Year 4: Zachary Clark, you treat everyone equally, regardless of our differences-well done, Zachary! Alfie Duke, you showed real empathy in our discussions when looking at people who may look different to others-well done, Alfie!

Year 5: Lexi Lee, you accept that everyone is different and you work so well with everyone all of the time! Thank you Lexi! Sofia Brown, you gave such thoughtful contributions to our class discussions this week-we are so proud of your mature attitude! Stephen Carter, you always respect others and celebrate how we are all unique! Well done, Stephen!

Year 6: Vincent Gowland, you certainly understand difference is a good thing and you always look for the best in everyone! Well done, Vincent! Ahmed Aldiri, you know differences are an amazing thing and you celebrate all of our differences! Well done, Ahmed! Connie Murphy, you are so aware of differences but you are such a kind person you treat everyone equally-you are a star!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Mr Robson has smiled from ear to ear again this week-he has been inundated with reports of excellent work and attitude! Some of our youngest children received awards this week.

Jacob Dixon in nursery was given a head teachers award for his fantastic creative skills when decorating his diva lamp for Diwali. Well done, Jacob! Mia Reid, who is also in nursery, was given a head teachers award for independently writing her name. This is brilliant Mia, well done! Alisha Drinkald has also earned her pen license this week-well done, Alisha!


This week’s winners are Class 7 with 100%! Well done Class 7!


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