Rewards 6th June 2024

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Melvin Alabi, your confidence is growing and you are building some lovely friendships-well done! Halle Davies, your contributions in all lessons has been amazing-well done!

Year 2: Adalyn Forster, you have had a lovely week in school-well done for seeing the positives in everything! Cody and Sophia Wilson, you have had an amazing first week and you are fantastic additions to our school-we are lucky to have you! Lily Coates, you have had a fantastic first week back at school-keep it up and well done!

Year 3: Benjamin Knowlson, you have been working really hard in ICT and have tried to stay calm when you have found things tricky-we are so proud! Jerimiah, you tried so hard in swimming this week and impressed us all with your effort and resilience-well done! Harvey Stobbart, you have shown great enthusiasm this week in science-well done!

Year 4: Orion McHenry and Mia Pearson’s digital art was amazing this week. Your effort and level of detail you both put into your work was fantastic and the finished pieces were amazing-well done! Breanna Wilson, you have had the best start to our school this week and we are so very lucky to have you-well done!

Year 5: All of year 5, for being so sensible, mature and respectful when completing science assessments this week.

Year 6: Lacey Clark, your thoughtful and mature responses this week were wonderful at the Knife Angel workshops-well done! Romeo Forster, you have settled into our school so well and are a wonderful member of year 6-we are lucky to have you-well done!

This week’s focus was to understand everyone is special and unique. We all know we are unique and have celebrated the differences we see in each other too-well done everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Millie May Nicholson, you celebrate everyone’s differences-well done! Evie Mae Mardghum, you compliment others and make everyone smile-well done!

Year 2: DenniJoe Ross, you always take time to find out about other’s interests-well done! Esamay Stobbart, you take time to include everyone when playing and have made our new friends feel welcome-well done! Ivy Love, you make everyone around you feel special-well done!

Year 3: Connor Smith, you always see the strengths and qualities of others and are a kind and supportive friend-well done! Lincoln Percy, you know how you are special and unique and share these ideas with your friends-well done! Adam Alderi, you understand everyone is different and accept and nurture others-well done!

Year 4: Jace Huggins, you accept everyone for who they are-well done! Paris Wiseman, you see the best in everyone and make everyone feel valued-well done!

Year 5: Carly Bewick, you are such a great friend and treat everyone equally. Well done!

Year 6: Amara Miah, you treat everyone with respect and kindness-well done! Oyendemola Akinola, you always see what makes someone else shine-well done!

Year 6 massively impressed this week when they attended The Knife Angel workshops. You were all so mature, respectful and great ambassadors for yourself and our school-well done all of you! All staff in school are so proud of how everyone has returned to school after half term-it is so lovely to see everyone happy, smiling and working hard-you are all wonderful!

Rebecca Morrit and Molly Fullard have massively impressed too this week with their absolutely amazing writing-well done girls, you blew Mr Robson’s socks off!

This week’s winners are Class 12 with 98.7% Well done Class 12!

Our very first award for always tidying and looking after the equipment on the yard goes to Callum Kennedy-you are a great help when looking after our equipment Callumn-thank you and well done!


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