Rewards 7th May 2021

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Reception: Birsen Aksoy, Harvey-Lee Stobbart, Georgie Hylton and Adam Oliver-you have all earned a certificate this week for working incredibly hard-you are absolute stars! Well done Reception!

Year 1: Finley Broome Letson, you have tried so hard with your spellings this week, well done and keep it up! L’Jai Lockwood, you have tried really hard to make the right decisions all week-well done!

Year 2: Harry Brown, your amazing vocabulary and reasoning skills when completing multiplications has eared you a certificate this week-you are a superstar! Olivia Humphries, this certificate is for your outstanding number bond work this week. You are a fabulous mathematician-keep up the good work!

Year 3: Ben Nicholson, this is for a fantastic effort with your joined handwriting this week. You really have been trying your best-well done Ben! Amelia Longstaff, this is for just being you! You are a true role model and have a fantastic attitude-you brighten our day!

Year 4: Usha Quinn-Tayo, this is for your fabulous vocabulary in literacy-we can’t wait to see you use it in your writing! You star! Kasey Ann Swalwell, this is for showing determination and resilience when things are hard-you are amazing! Logan Addison, this is for outstanding efforts in literacy-you have worked like a trooper! Well done Logan!

Year 5: Jamie Sanderson, your super history work on the Vikings this week shows you always work so hard and listen carefully-well done, Jamie! Chanelle Hall, you have been working so hard to understand multiplying by 10 and 100-you are a star! Blake McLaughlin, you always have a go at answering questions in maths lessons, you are a super star! The whole of year 5-this is for your enthusiasm in your Viking workshop yesterday-the visiting Viking was so impressed with all of you-well done! Billy Robbins, this is for being a long multiplication legend! You have worked so hard and we are really proud-well done, Billy!


This week our Jigsaw focus was to show respect in how we treat others and yet again it has been so hard to choose as we are all amazing!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Lily Shakesby, you have thought about everyone’s feelings again this week Lily-well done and keep it up! Lucas Brown, you always treat everyone fairly, thank you and well done!

Year 2: Layad Mangure, you always have patience with your friends on the yard-well done Layad! Maisie McCririe, you always put others before yourself on the yard-you are a star! Well done!

Year 3: Faith Davies, you always treat people how you would like to be treated-that is a lovely thing to do Faith-well done! Henry Gowland, you are always there to help and support your friends and you’re always respectful to everyone-well done, Henry!

Year 4: Deacon Stokell, you not only show respect, but you stick up for others who aren’t being shown it-well done, Deacon! Amy Flood, you are kind and respectful to everyone in school-you are a true role model! Casey Brown, you are considerate and always respectful-we are so proud-well done!

Year 5: Lacey McCully, you are always such a polite, considerate and caring member of year 5-thank you! Abigail Luckham, you are such a kind and warm-hearted friend and we are so lucky to have you in our school! Well done Abigail! Esme Dodds, you are always very kind and caring towards your friends-you are a wonderful member of year 5-well done, Esme!

Well that’s another week in Southwick and what an other amazing one it has been-the weather may have been dreadful but we have out shone the rain-thank you to everyone, you are all wonderful!


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