Rewards 7th October 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Kayden-Lee Butler, you have been trying so hard in maths this week-keep it up you absolute star! Gracie-Jay Forster, you have worked your socks off this week in maths too-well done, Gracie!

Year 2: Dante McHenry, you have had a fantastic science week and your questions have been wonderful-well done, Dante! Jeremiah Odia, you have had an amazing first week in our school and we are so lucky to have you-well done, Jeremiah! Connor Smith, you always try your best in everything you do-even when you find it tricky. Well done, Connor!

Year 3: Jade Pearson, you have tried so hard in your swimming lessons and you’re now swimming independently-well done, Jade! Fraser McLaughlin, you have also worked hard in swimming and you have made excellent progress-we are so proud of you! Keeron Roberts, your dedication to home reading is amazing and you’ve passed all of your quizzes independently-well done, Keeron!

Year 4: Harry Brown, you are such a kind and hard-working boy that can always be relied upon-well done, Harry! Maisie McCririe, your harvest art work was fantastic! You used pastels to create different tones and shade-well done, Maisie!

Year 5: Bahar Fars, your wonderful character voices when reading had us all roaring with laughter-it was amazing! You have also worked really hard in maths this week and have tried so hard with everything-well done, Bahar! Lucas Dawson, you have concentrated excellently in literacy and answered questions brilliantly-well done, Lucas!

Year 6: Retal Elsayed, you are a wonderful addition to year 6 and our school; you are amazing! Well done, Retal! Kayden Brown, you are a wonderful member of year 6 and we don’t know what we’d do without you! Well done, Kayden! Clayton Sewell, your attitude to everything in school is wonderful and you are a pleasure to be around-well done, Clayton! Molly Skinner, your reading at our Live Theatre trip this week was wonderful; it is lovely to see your confidence grow-well done, Molly! Jae Gladstone, you are the best mini teaching assistant we could ask for-thank you for being so helpful and considerate!


This week’s focus was to work well with others. This is such an important skill as we have to work with others all through our lives-your discussions were amazing this week-well done everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Daniel Ilori, you work well with everyone as you’re such a good friend! Well done, Daniel! Effy Richardson, you worked excellently with your friends when mixing colours! Well done, Effy!

Year 2: Carson King, you listen to others when working in a group-well done, Carson! Kye Barker Robins, you are a great role model and helped a new pupil all week-thank you Kye! Nikodem Turas, you worked with your partner when completing our history timeline-well done, Nikodem!

Year 3: Lucas Brown and Aleksy Staniszewski, you both worked well with others in group tasks and on the yard-well done both of you!

Year 4: Dahla Appleby, you are an excellent listener and team [player-well done, Dahla! Siana Middleton, you are always there to support people when they need help-thank you, Siana!

Year 5: Frankie Strong, you are always a really helpful partner and always help others if they are struggling-well done, Frankie! Leah Reynolds and Katie Roberts, you worked well together in maths when adding and subtracting powers of ten-well done girls!

Year 6: Lilley Addison, you are the best team player ever! You are able to work well with anyone! Well done, Lilley! Usha Quinn-Tayo, you work well with everyone and are a real role model and amazing young man-thank you Usha! Stephen Carter, you are always a great and supportive friend-well done, Stephen!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

This week Mr Robson is so proud (again!) of Lenny Love and the amazing homework he brought in linked to Space Week-well done, Lenny! The year 6 athletics representatives also impressed this week with how well they promoted our school in the inter-school athletics tournament. We finished 2nd over all with the boys coming first over all in their competitions and the girls 3rd-well done all of you we are so very proud!


This week’s winners are Class 12 with 98.4% Well done Class 12!


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