Rewards 8th December 2023

This week’s certifictes have been awarded to…

Year 1: Bennett Donnigan, your questions in science were amazing-well done! Kye McCully, you were a perfect partner in RWI-well done!

Year 2: Annabelle Wrattall, your amazing effort in time work this week-you are amazing at telling the time-well done! Fayroz Abouelnour, you always try your best in everything you do and are very caring for others in class-well done!

Year 3: Lincoln Percy, your effort ad attitude in English is amazing and your letter was brilliant-well done! Elizabeth Oloyede, you always face every new challenge with a smile on your face-well done! Michael Tyalabami, the effort you jave put in during singing square rehersals has been amazing-well done!

Year 4: April Willaims, you are doing so well in literacy and your effort and enthusiasm in spellings is commendable-well done! Orion McHenry, your pace when working has massively improved and we are so very proud-well done!

Year 5: Carly Bewick, you are so supportive to everyone-well done! Aston Burlinson, your effort and enthusiasm in literacy is great-keep it up and well done!

Year 6: Bryony Anderson, your confidence has massively improved in maths andwe love seeing you smile everyday-well done! Isabella Dickson, you have been amazing this week in maths when learning long division-well done!


This week’s focus was to know how to give and receive compliments. We are all amazing when it comes to giving them but struggle to receive them!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Millie-May Nicholson, you always fill everyone’s bucket-well done! Evie Mae Mardghum, you compliment everyone to mke them feel good-well done!

Year 2: Scarlett Robins, you never fail to put a smile on everyone’s face-well done! Cayson Stubbs, you always try and make your friends smile-well done!

Year 3: Emily Cruickshanks, you always give compliments and make people feel good-weel done! Ayla Pennock, you always make people smile with your compliments-well done! Benjamin Knowlson, you always make people smile with your kind words-well done!

Year 4: Marshall Richardson, you always have something lovely to say and you’re getting better at receiving compliments too-well done! Gracie McBride, you comliment your friends’ work and are able to receive compliments too-well done!

Year 5: Lukas Lawson Sykes, you always have lovely things to say to others-well done! Rio Archer, you give compliments to everyone-well done!

Year 6: Leah Reynolds, you are aways so polite to others-well done! Oyindamola Akinola, you are kind to each and every member of staff and every pupil too-you are wonderful!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Our brilliant catering staff have massively impressed again ths week with the delicious Christmas dinner we were served yesterday. Everyone walked away with full tummies and huge smiles on their faces. A huge thank you to Chris, Andrea and the rest of the wonderful team!


This week’s winners are Class 15 with 99% Well done all of you!


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