Rewards 9th December 2021

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

EYFS: Leo Ford, you have tried so hard when making all of your Christmas crafts-well done, Leo! Deacon Templeton, you have been great using a quiet hand on the carpet-well done, Deacon! Harper Smith, you are a great role model in the lion group-well done, Harper! Annabelle Wrathall you have worked so hard in your phonics group to write your name! Well done, Annabelle!

Year 1: Romaine Devlin, your writing in our geography lessons has been amazing! Well done, Romaine! Marshall Richardson, this is for simply being you! You try so hard in all of your lessons-well done, Marshall! Adam Oliver, this is for trying your best in maths when using a part-whole model! Your understanding is excellent-well done!

Year 2: Robbie Moore, you have tried so hard in RWI and have blown our socks off with your fantastic Christmas story! Well done, Robbie!

Year 3: Mason Loades, this is for being you! You are a fantastic role model and always try so hard in all lessons-well done, Mason! All of Year 3-you were a credit to our school on your trip to Holmeside Park-you made us all so proud! Aj Harrison, you are a credit to our school and we are so lucky to have you! Well done, Aj!

Year 4: Amelia Longstaff, this is for the great enthusiasm you have shown during science lessons, you were the first to create a circuit! Well done, Amelia! Benjamin Nicholson, you were a fantastic scientist in our electricity topic! Well done, Benjamin!

Year 5: Logan Storey, you have tried so hard yet again with your reading and when completing quizzes! Well done, Logan! Bayley Galer, you have tried so hard in maths this week and we are so proud! Well done, Bayley! Blake Birch, this is for your incredible maths work this whole term, you are becoming such an independent and resilient mathematician-well done, Blake! Macie-Jo Raeper and Sofia Brown-you two worked amazingly together when investigating friction-we are so impressed with your fantastic team work-well done! Fletcher Murphy, your designs and technical drawings in DT were amazing-keep up the good work Fletcher-well done!

Year 6: The whole of Year 6-you were utterly amazing representatives for our school at the pantomime in Newcastle! Oh yes you were! You made us all so proud and we all had an amazing time-thank you!


This week’s focus was to give and receive compliments. We are all so good at giving them but some of us find it so hard to receive them.

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Kye Barker-Robins, you say the nicest things to your friends and teachers-thank you Kye! Louie Clark, you say kind things to your friends whenever you can-thank you Louie! Jade Pearson, you always use kind words to everyone! Thank you Jade!

Year 2: Mia Pearson, you always say lovely things to your friends all of the time-thank you Mia!

Year 3: Jack Geeson, you always praise your friends on their achievements! Thank you Jack! Jesse Brettwood, you always make your friends smile with your compliments!

Year 4: Lola Richardson, you understand the importance of complimenting your own achievements! Well done, Lola! Calum Kennedy, you are always complimentary to everyone-children and adults-thank you Calum!

Year 5: Jae Gladstone, you are such a kind and considerate friend who always celebrates the achievements of others! Thank you Jae! Lucas Jarvis, you are always praising others when you see they’ve done well-thank you Lucas! Lilley Addison, you are so thoughtful of everyone and such a pleasure to have in the class-well done, Lilley! Lily Rain, you always think about others and what makes them happy-thank you Lily!

Year 6: Ahmed Aldiri, you are a kind and considerate young man at all times-thank you Ahmed! Abigail Luckham, you are so kind to everyone and great at receiving compliments! Well done, Abigail! Esme Dodds, you have such a kind soul and love to celebrate the achievements of your friends-thank you Esme!

Head teacher Shout Out!

Mr Robson has had his socks well and truly blown off by Emilia Chapman, Kadie Wilson and Jaycie-Leigh Conlon and their non-chronological reports on a hybrid creature from the Amazon Rainforest. Their work sounded like the work of experts and was utterly amazing! Well done ladies!


This week’s winners are class 12 with 96%-well done class 12!


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