Rewards 9th December 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Lily Coates, you have had an amazing week and we are so very proud of you-well done! Ivy Love, you have been a superstar in maths this week-well done!

Year 2: Class 7, you were all so brave and were shining stars during your Boogie Woogie performance-you were amazing, well done! Harrison Wood, your smile was infectious and your dancing was wonderful during the nativity-well done! Carson King, you have had an amazing week in school-well done! Ronnie Green, you have came back to school with an amazing attitude-well done!

Year 3: Nour Sharaf, you impressed everyone this week with your throwing skills in PE-well done! Lucas Brown, you are such a kind and caring boy and an amazing role model-keep being you!

Year 4: Conal Murphy, you were a brilliant helper in our sewing lessons this week-you were a sewing expert! Charlie James, your positive attitude and super maths work this week have earned you this certificate-what a star!

Year 5: Katie Roberts and Alisha Drinkald, the emotion you got into your letters in role as soldiers were amazing this week-you made us so proud!

Year 6: Stephen Carter, your work in maths this week when looking at statistics was amazing-well done! Clayton Sewell, you were amazingly supportive when one of your peers was hurt-well done!


This week’s focus was to give and receive compliments. We are all very good at giving them but it so hard to receive them-we are getting there though!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Cayson Stubbs, you always fill your friends’ buckets-well done! Blake Anderson, you always say kind words to your friends-well done!

Year 2: Freya Rainton, you are kind to your friends and always say such lovely things about them-well done! Faith Watson, you always take care of your friends-well done! Adam Alderi, you said something positive about your friend’s work-how lovely!

Year 3: Robbie Moore, you are always complimentary to your friends-well done! Finley Broome-Letson, you always make people smile with your kind words-well done!

Year 4: Darcy Wilkinson, you always know the right things to say when needed-well done! Amelia Ratcliff, you always make people feel good by the compliments you give-well done!

Year 5: Lola Richardson, you are always so complimentary and kind to your friends-well done!

Year 6: Jae Gladstone, you are a kind and considerate friend who loves to help others-well done! Usha Quinn Tayo, you always give compliments when your friends do things well and your whole face lights up when someone compliments you-well done!

Head Teacher Shout Out

Jasie-Leigh Mackenzie, Kayden Brown and Blake Birch blew socks off this week with their persuasive speeches about saving the Amazon Rainforest. They all contained hyperbole, rhetorical questions, statistics and all the other persuasive features we have been learning about-they were amazing! Key Stage 1 did their nativity for the whole school and for parents this week-well done all of you as it was wonderful!


This term’s class winners are class 15 with 96% attendance-well done Class 15!


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