Rewards 9th September 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Dennijoe Rochester, you have had an amazing first week and have been a delight to have in class-well done, Dennijoe! Jenson McCririe, you have had a fabulous start to year 1-keep it up! Well done, Jenson!

Year 2: Frankie London, you have had a wonderful first week in our school and we are so lucky to have you-well done, Frankie! Emily Cruickshanks, you have came back to school with an amazing attitude and have tried your very best too-well done, Emily! Kira Richardson, your “can do” attitude has been amazing this week-well done, Kira!

Year 3: All of year 3, you have made everyone smile this week with your welcoming and positive attitudes-thank you year 3! Sarah Turnbull, you are an excellent role model with wonderful manners and you always try your best-you are a star-well done, Sarah!

Year 4: James Short, you have impressed everyone this week with your mature attitude and perseverance during your first week in year 4-well done, James! Class 10, you have had a fantastic first week in year 4-we are very proud of you all! Nj McIver, your first week at our school has been great-we are so lucky to have you-keep it up Nj!

Year 5: All of year 5, you have came back to school brilliantly and we can’t wait for the rest of the year ahead-well done!

Year 6: Brendan Dorothy, your wonderful imagination and description in your first piece of writing was wonderful-well done, Brendan! Isaac Powell, you have had an amazing start to year 6-you are amazing-keep it up Isaac! The whole of year 6, you have shown how amazing you all are with fabulous attitudes and looking very smart-keep it up you absolute stars!


This week’s Jigsaw focus was to make everyone feel welcome. This is especially important as we have had a long summer break and we have also had several new additions to our school!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Cassius King, you have been so kind to your friends this week-well done, Cassius! Darcie-Mae Lee, you have played brilliantly with everyone this week-well done, Darci-Mae!

Year 2: Sofia Ball, you have made everyone feel welcome this week-thank you Sofia! All of Class 7, you have welcomed your new teachers and new pupils and everyone this week-you are all wonderful! Class 5, you have made new children and your new teachers feel very welcome-thank you Class 5!

Year 3: All of year 3, you have been so amazing and have welcomed each other back brilliantly-you are all wonderful!

Year 4: Class 10 and Class 11, you have welcomed new students and been so welcoming to everyone this week-thank you year 4!

Year 5: All of year 5, you have all settled in so well and have been so welcoming to everyone-thank you all! Calum Kennedy, you are such a kind and thoughtful member of our school and we are so lucky to have you-well done, Callum!

Year 6: Molly Skinner, you are such a kind and caring friend to everyone-well done, Molly! The whole of year 6, you have certainly made all staff smile on your return to school-thank you year 6!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Mr Robson has had an amazing first week and is especially proud of Brendan Dorothy for his fabulous writing! Year 6 have also massively impressed Mr Robson too-he is over the moon at how well you have settled into the role of brilliant role models to the rest of the school-keep it up you amazing lot! Lucas Jarvis has been an absolute star on his return to school; you have been so helpful and considerate and we are over the moon with your attitude-well done, Lucas!


This week’s winners are Class 14 and Class 16 with 100% Well done all of you!


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