Rewards Friday 11th June 2021

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Reception: Lily Coates (Elephant group) for always working so hard and joining in with class discussions-well done, Lily! Richard Lowe (Polar Bear group) for fantastic work in phonics-well done, Richard! Cassius King (penguin group) for excellent work in phonics-well done Cassius!

Year 1: Ruby Jurdison, this certificate is for trying your best with your reading, keep it up! Steven Doran, this is for listening carefully, following instructions and asking questions if unsure-well done, Steven!

Year 2: Miss Turner’s RWI group, this is for your fabulous facts included within your fact files about William Shakespeare-well done you lot! Darcy Wilkinson, your addition and subtraction work with two 3-digit numbers has been wonderful this week-well done! Aj Harrison, your outstanding addition and subtraction work within 100 this week has earned you this certificate-your confidence is shining through-well done, Aj!

Year 3: Zachary Clark, this certificate is for being a fabulous director when making movies about the pollination process-you were a great leader! Henry Gowland, this certificate is for fantastic knowledge on the pollination process-well done, Henry!

Year 4: Jayden Wheatley, this is for your brilliant knowledge and understanding of solids, liquids and gases in our science lessons, you are a great scientist! Brendan Dorothy, this is for your outstanding work in science, your understanding and vocabulary are amazing! Well done, Brendan! Evie Harrison, this certificate is for giving 100% in absolutely everything you do! Well done, Evie! Summer Willis, this is for your excellent effort in literacy this week-your work made us all smile-keep it up!

Year 5: Jessica Fenwick, this is for your fantastic drama work this week. We were very impressed with your acting-well done, Jessica! Caitlin Thompson, this is for really impressing us during Shakespeare week-you even researched extra information at home! Well done, Caitlin! Miss Slater’s Literacy Group, this is for producing some wonderful work this week about Shakespeare, you all found out some very interesting facts!

Year 6: Evan O’Donnell, this is for your brilliant interpretation of data this week-it was amazing! Amber Otty, this certificate is for your wonderful information text about The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, you are a star! Adam Plimmer, this is for all of the hard work you did for our ‘Francis’ literacy unit this week. We loved your diary entry-you really took on the role of the moody teenager!


This week’s Jigsaw focus is to understand that everyone is unique and special. We have had some lovely discussions this week throughout school-you all know that differences are a great thing and you have made it so hard for us to choose certificate winners again!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Ronnie Smith, you always consider everyone’s feelings and know everyone is unique-well done, Ronnie! Jenson Bates Whitfield, you not only know that everyone is different, you celebrate the differences too! Well done, Jenson!

Year 2: Amelia Anderson, you are so understanding of everyone’s qualities in school-you make everyone feel good-well done, Amelia! Ella Jenkins, you understand everyone is unique and special and you are understanding of everyone’s needs and make sure everyone is ok-thank you Ella!

Year 3: Frankie Strong, you always show kindness and patience to everyone, you are very thoughtful! Well done, Frankie! Hollie Patterson, you always celebrate everyone’s differences and highlight what makes your friends special-well done, Hollie!

Year 4: Blake Birch, you have very mature responses and discussions that have helped everyone else understand that being unique is amazing! Well done, Blake! Lainey Rae Brett, you value everyone’s differences and treat everyone fairly-you are a star! Lily Rain, you are always kind and caring to everyone and love how we are all unique-well done, Lily!

Year 5: Krystal Towle, you are such a kind and caring classmate that gets along with everyone! Well done, Krystal! Aaron Wilkinson, you are always kind and friendly and you respect that everyone has unique qualities! Well done, Aaron!

Year 6: India Beattie, you understand that everyone is unique and special and you always look for the best in everyone-well done, India! Louis Jackson, you are very understanding of how everyone is unique and you are always kind to everyone! Well done, Louis! Phoebe Sommerford, you are so kind and have highlighted unique qualities that your friends have-you are a star!


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