Hello and welcome to The Hub!
We are very excited to be able to introduce The Hub. The Hub is a dedicated space within our school where we are able to offer children a higher level of adult support, tailored to their individual needs. Our aim is to create a nurturing environment that promotes learning, social interaction and life skills.
At Southwick Community Primary School, we understand the importance of providing children and families with a secure learning environment emphasised by our professional, approachable and friendly staff.
Our Hub staff are:
- Mrs Mahone: Monday-Wednesday
- Mrs Foxton: Wednesday-Friday
Teaching Assistants:
- Miss Cogdon
- Miss Guthrie
- Miss Knowles
- Miss Robson
- Miss Jeffrey
Dates for you Diary
- 30th January to 7th February – National Story Telling Week
- 3rd to 7th February – Children’s Mental Health Week
- 7th February- Number Day
- 11th February-Internet Safety Day
- 12th February– Valentines Disco
- 21st February- break up for half term
- 7th March- World Book day
- 10th to 14th March-British Science Week
Things to Remember
- Send your child in to school with their book-bag/backpack every day. These will be used in school and returned home at the end of each day.
- Ensure children have any self-care items they need in their backpack on a daily basis or see staff if you would like to send in bulk items.
- Snacks will be provided at school each day, but feel free to bring in some snacks that your child enjoys eating. We will incorporate times to share these during the school day.
- Children to bring a water bottle to school every day (filled with their preferred drink).
- Ensure that everything, including coats, water bottles and shoes, have name labels on them.
- Send children with weather appropriate clothing. Always send your child in with a coat for our very unpredictable weather! Wellies and waterproofs would also be really helpful as we are planning to be outdoors in all weathers, taking our learning experiences outside. These can remain in school and won’t need to be brought in daily.
- As we will be completing messy play activities spare clothes would be really useful to have in school at all times. This could be brought in with their backpack daily, or stored in school.
- In the summer, sunscreen and a hat are essential! Please apply sunscreen at home and if needed we can reapply from a bottle with your child’s name on it.
Our School Day
The Hub is split into two rooms; one room is set up with various learning areas including; sand, water, construction, writing, reading, math, role play, creative, small world, fine motor and music whereas our second room is an immersive sensory space and designated learning area . Our learning environments and activities are designed to stimulate and challenge the individual needs of all of the children.
Your child will have the opportunity to work in these areas every day where they will be able to use a wide range of resources to develop skills, knowledge and understanding in all areas of the curriculum.
Throughout each day there will be small group times, child led exploration times and 1:1 adult led activity times for children in our setting. We aim to foster a sense of independence and will provide developmentally appropriate activities for children.
Ongoing Assessment
Your child’s progress and achievements in all areas of the curriculum will be observed and assessed daily. Staff will focus on strengths and areas for development that children may encounter, to enable them to make progress toward the next stage of learning and their individual targets.