Head Teacher’s Blog – A busy week!

What another busy week we have had. The whole school have worked their socks off!

To begin special mentions must go to the following pupils:

Alice Brown for being fantastic, safe, sensible and online pharmacy no scripts, Discount Pharmacy Online kamagra romania http://gawow.com/folio/blog/index.php?=order-kamagra-online/ Discount Pharmacy Online, order kamagra online cheapest online drugstore showing brilliant listening in P.E when on apparatus.

Leah Nicholson who produced brilliant number formation and worked ‘super’ hard.

Bryony Anderson for having a brilliant P.E lesson.

Frankie Strong for a beautiful painting of the Sun and flower.

All four children received Head Teacher’s award. I am so proud of them.


Another mention must go to the boy’s football team who were amazing last night. Adam Leadbitter, Ryan Tyrell, Harley James, Keaton Isherwood, Lennon Scott, Macauley Nilsson, Ellis Taylor and Hareza were superb and showed our true Southwick spirit – played fairly with respect, and did their best. A real credit to the school. A huge well done.


Southwick 3 – 0 Grange Town

Southwick 3 – 0 Hudson Road

Scorers: Ryan (3), Ellis (2), Macauley (1)

Breakfast Club

Our breakfast club now has 32 children attending. It is FREE. Breakfast and activities are provided from 8 a.m. All are welcome; please see Mrs Walmsley for more details.

Internet Safety

Lastly please read the Internet Safety book sent home this week. It is packed with safety tips and information to help keep us all safe online and on Social Media.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mr Robson


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