Head Teacher’s Blog: What a fantastic end to the half term!

IMG_6563Our annual Lantern Festival showed just what our community is all about and it is such a privilege to be part of something so special.

View our Lantern Festival gallery

Many thanks must go to Alyson Stoker and Gilly but a special mention must also go to some of our ‘super mams’ who gave up so much time to help. Thanks to Joleen, Julie, Claire, Kelly, Lesley and Emma. (apologies if I’ve missed anyone out)

The biggest thank you must go to all of our parents, grandparents and friends who have supported the school and the community not just during our festival but during our whole school year. It makes our school and our community such an amazing place to be.

Enjoy the holidays and we’ll see you all back in school on Monday 31st October.

Mr Robson


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