Year 6 working together…

For the last 2 weeks some of the Year 6 children have been working on ‘The Highwayman’, a narrative poem by Alfred Noyes. They have made some predictions about the poem, they have read the poem out loud, they have watched a film version of the poem and have even analysed the poem.

The group have worked super hard and have even completed work that is normally set for children at Secondary School.

Yesterday, the children created descriptions of the Highwayman and Bess, two very important characters from the poem.

“Bess, who was the landlord’s daughter was a forgotten pearl in the Ocean.’ Conrad Clark

“His personality was feared across the land and his weapons were always prepared.” Evan O’Donnell

“She gazes out of her window as still as statue frozen in time.” Amber Otty

Today we were looking at character description and worked together to create a piece of writing based on Tim the Ostler. We worked on appropriate vocabulary, useful punctuation and most importantly, checking and editing our work. This really is a fantastic group to work with. Well done everyone.

Miss Hetherington 🙂


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