Books! Books! Books!

Wow, we have been really busy at Southwick Community Primary School. Our amazing book project is really taking off!


Community Library

Our school is one of the first to become a Community Library. You will have seen a range of books for all ages in our foyer. Anyone can come and borrow books whenever the building is open, and return them to any library.

The official launch for this will be in May, when people in the local area will receive a leaflet, but books can be borrowed now.

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School Library

Our school library is being completely refurnished with some very modern and attractive furniture and new reading material. It will become a multi-functional space including workstations and digital books.

We have sought advice from the library service, and a design company to bring this facility bang up to date, to inspire children to snuggle up on our gorgeous new seating and read a book.


Plans for our new library.

We are hoping that this refurbishment will be complete for the summer term. We are also hoping to recruit parent and pupil volunteers to train and then to help us to run the library, and to open it more often to children and their families.

The Children’s Voice

Year 5 pupils have been included in the choosing of furniture, and the planning of the library. Our school council have also been consulted, and are preparing a list of books they would like us to purchase.

We are taking on board their suggestion that we buy some simpler novels, between picture books and long novels for young readers, and older children are asking for graphic novels, comics and magazines.

We will also be buying new material to help us to deliver the new curriculum from September 2014.

Storychair Project

Our pupils have been working with the artist Penny Payne to design a fantastic story chair. Penny is making the chair now and we will see the finished product at the launch of the Community Library in May. After that you will be able to see the chair at the Bunnyhill Centre Library.

Digital Stories

We are currently bidding for money from Bridge North East to support us in the purchase of I pads or E-books, for those who prefer to read their stories digitally.

Hopefully we will be able to develop a project to write digital books with Anne Curtis who works for Shoofly, a publisher of some fantastic, interactive digital stories, many with educational themes.

Read, Write Army

We are also about to launch an interesting project, working with staff from the Stadium of Light to involve pupils and parents reading, and writing together. We will inform you of the details as soon as they are available.


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