Safety Measures

Please see the list of measures we have introduced to support keeping us all safe on re-opening of school. 

  • No child displaying symptoms of Covid-19 should be brought to school. 
  • NO PACKED LUNCHES- cooked school dinners are available from Monday
  • Any child who displays symptoms in school will be isolated and parents will be contacted to collect their child immediately, please ensure we have your most up to date phone number.
  • Parents/ carers must be punctual and stick to their drop off time and collection time to ensure we have no gatherings outside.
  • All payments must be made through the City of Sunderland; no money is to be handed in through the school office or New Beginnings office.
  • No adults can enter the school site (other than the main reception area); children must be left at the gate where they will be greeted by a teacher
  • New Beginnings children will be dropped off at the first door into New Beginnings and collected by their key worker. This is where children will also be collected from.
  • When dropping off and collecting your child, please observe social distancing measures and encourage your child to do the same
  • Children must wear their school uniform and must be in clean clothes each day for school.
  • Children must only bring what is absolutely essential for the day. 
  • Water bottles should be brought to school.
  • On arriving home, children should take off their clothes and put them directly into the washing machine or a carrier bag, minimising the risk of contamination. They should then shower or bath as soon as possible. 
  • Children must not wear any jewellery including watches. 
  • Children must not bring mobile phones to school.
  • All social distancing and safety guidelines must be followed by all children. Any behaviours that do not adhere to guidance resulting in danger to others will result in children needing to work from home.

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