Spring Writing Competition…

Over the last few weeks, children from across the school have been completing entries for the spring writing competition. It really has been wonderful and I have loved reading through them all. We have had poems, stories and some wonderful descriptive pieces too.

It really was hard to decide on the winners so I got my Year 6 Literacy class to help me, and they decided on:

Samuel Burlinson from Year 1 and Ahmed Alari from Year 5. Both boys received a giant Easter egg and a ‘Super Writer’ certificate. Everyone else received a new pencil to help them write even more in the future. A special SHOUT OUT to Mr King’s Literacy set who all sent in a wonderful entry!

I am so proud of everybody and can not wait for the next competition so please keep your eyes peeled for information in the future.

Thank you again,

Miss Hetherington


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