Tennis Champions

This week we took part in a tennis tournament at Monkwearmouth Academy. As reigning champions, the pressure was on! A crack Year 3 squad was assembled, to try and retain the trophy we had won last year. Up against stiff competition from Seaburn Dene, Redby, Fulwell and Dame Dorothy, we took part in a series of skill games and singles matches.

With nervous anticipation the children began and every single one gave it their all. Matches were played with steely determination, skill games were competed with concentration and plenty of smiles and satisfaction as we racked up the points. Not only that, but the attitude of all of our children was superb – congratulating opponents, shaking hands and never giving up.

Going in to the results, we had no idea how we had got on, but we knew we had all tried our very best and had a lot of fun. As the results were read from 5th place, our excitement grew as each time our name was not called. Finally, we came to first and second place, between which there was only a 6 point difference! We held our breath as second place were announced… Redby! We were the champions, we had retained our trophy!

The children were delighted and couldn’t wipe the grins off their faces as they lined up to collect their medals, trophy and have their photograph taken. Then it was back to the bus and back to school to show them off. Well done Year 3, well done Southwick!


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