World Space Week

Dear parents/carers, 

Next week (5th-9th of October), is World Space Week.

At Southwick Primary School, we are very proud to hold the Space Education Quality Mark Bronze Award and are always looking for ways to build our children’s knowledge and learning experiences linked to space.

Therefore, next week we will be running a homework competition linked to this year’s World Space Week theme which is satellites and prizes will be awarded to the top entries. We would love to see as many children as we can get involved and show off their amazing work. Below is a list of activities which could be completed at home: 

  • Make a 3D satellite model using items around your house 
  • Draw/paint or collage a satellite picture 
  • Research satellites to create a fact file/non-chronological report on 
  • Write a poem or an acrostic poem 
  • Write a newspaper report
  • Draw or create a satellite using a computer programme 
  • Make an imovie about satellites 

The above are just some ideas but if you have any of your own, we welcome these too and can’t wait to see what you all get up too!

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, instead of bringing work into school please send ALL pictures, word documents, or PDF’s of your final entries to: (regardless of child’s year group).

Yours Sincerely 

Mrs Barker 


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