
Welcome to the 

Early Years Foundation Stage

Look what we’ve been up to in Nursery

At Southwick Community Primary School, we understand the importance of providing children and families with a secure learning environment emphasised by our professional, approachable and friendly staff. This year our Nursery  staff are Mrs Pattison and Miss Cogdon. 

Summer term 1 2024

This half term our topics will be ‘ Great Growing’ and ‘Magnificent Mini beasts.’

Star of the Week: 

Penguin group : This week the Penguin star of the week is David Sani for brilliant work around the lifecycle of a butterfly. Well done David !

Polar Bear Group: This week our Polar Bear star of the week is Millie- Leigh Lynch for brilliant work in Key group and topic time well done Millie- Leigh keep it up !

Dates for your diary

diary picTuesday 21st May – Nursery Parent workshop  

Half term- children break up Friday the 24th of May and return 03.06.2024 

Our Nursery staff for 2023-2024 are:

Mrs Pattison  (Teacher and Penguin Group Key Worker)

Miss Cogdon (Teaching Assistant and Polar Bear Group Key Worker)


Organisation of the School Day

The nursery is split into various learning areas including; sand, water construction, writing, reading, math, role play, art, creative, playdough, small world, fine motor, music and sensory. These areas are called ‘continuous provision’.

Our learning environment and activities stimulate and challenge the individual needs of all of the children.

Your child will have the opportunity to work in these areas every day where they will be able to use a wide range of resources to develop skills, knowledge and understanding in all areas of the curriculum.

Throughout the year there will be whole class teaching times, small group times, and individual work for children in our setting. There will be a balance of adult initiated activities and child initiated activities. We aim to foster a sense of independence and will provide developmentally appropriate activities for children.

The children have access to the outdoor learning environment throughout the school day.

Key Worker Groups

Each child has a Key Worker who is a named member of staff who will act as a point of contact for you if you have any worries, queries or concerns about your child. The Key Worker will be help your child to settle into school, to support their development and to help your child to cope with any changes of routine throughout the school year. This system helps staff to build close relationships with individual children and their families and to promote a sense of well-being and belonging. Your child will still work with all members of staff in the setting at various times during the day, but will start and finish each day in their key worker group.

Ongoing Assessment

Your child’s progress and achievements in all areas of the curriculum will be observed and assessed. Staff will focus on strengths and areas for development that children may encounter, to enable them to make progress toward the next stage of learning.

The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum

Our curriculum covers the seven areas of learning stated in the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. These are:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

At Southwick we recognise that learning through play is a natural process for young children and aim to build upon their natural curiosity. We want to ensure that learning is rewarding and enjoyable whilst recognising that children learn best when their interests are followed.

Things to Remember…….

  • Send your child in to school with their book-bag every Monday. These will be used in school and returned home on a Friday with a library book inside for parents to read to children at home over the weekend.
  • Children to bring a water bottle to school every day (no juice or milk please).
  • Ensure that everything, including coats, water bottles and shoes, have name labels on them.
  • Send children with weather appropriate clothing. Always send your child in with a coat for our very unpredictable weather!
  • In the summer, sunscreen and a hat are essential! Please apply sunscreen at home and if needed we can reapply from a bottle with your child’s name on it.

Our Day


 Morning Session: 8:45am – 11:45am

Afternoon Session: 12:30pm – 3:30pm

Full Day Session: 8:45am – 3:30pm


Pe pic for web

Nursery’s PE day is every Monday.

Nursery children do not need a PE kit. Children will remove their jumpers/cardigans, shoes and socks before their PE session. For safety reasons no ear rings to be worn at all on a PE day.