Year 2

Hello and Welcome to Year 2!

In Year 2, we are taught by Mrs Magrath, Miss Stronach, Mrs Watson and Mrs Skipp. We are supported by Miss Livingston and Miss Banks.

Summer 2024

This term, our topic in Year 2 is ‘Ourselves and the oceans.’ We will be learning about the different oceans which are on planet earth along with some significant people from the past. We will be investigating the life of Florence Nightingale and will look at what life was like for school children in The Victorian Age.

Thank you for your support!

Dates for your diary

diary pic


Homework pic for website

All Year 2 homework is given out at the start of each half term. You can complete the challenges, with your child, at any time within that half term. We would love to see any completed pieces on a Friday.

Spellings are given out on a Monday with a spelling challenge on the Friday.

Maths Homework is also given out on a Monday.

If your child has any problems with their homework, please pop in to see us, we are always happy to help!


Pe pic for web

All Year 2 children will have PE on a Thursday.

Please send your child’s P.E. kit into school on a Monday and we will send them home on a Friday.

Home Reading Books

reading pic

Year 2 home reading books are collected and given out after their third reading session in school. Please make sure you regularly return your child’s reading book so we can give you a new one.

Useful Websites


Top Marks – Counting

Primary Homework Help


Top Marks – Sound

Phonics Play


BBC Games