Year 4

In year 4 we are taught by Mrs Seaman, Mrs Waddell and Mrs Smith and we are supported by Mrs Williams and Mrs Knowles.

Spring Term

This term, we have lots of exciting and engaging lessons planned. In science we will be learning about sound. We will look at the parts of the ear, how sound travels, what it travels through and how sounds are made louder or quieter. We will make some ear defenders, investigating the best materials for sound proofing and we will look at sound waves in action using rice on the skin of a drum and tuning forks in water too! After half term we will learn all about states of matter. We will look at solids, liquids and gases and how the molecules move in each one. We will look at changing materials from a liquid to a gas, gas to liquid and solid to liquid too! We can’t wait to show you our investigative skills so keep an eye out on the website for photos!

Our history topic is Anglo Saxons. We will look at what life was like in England at the time, their belief systems, where our ancestors came from when we were invaded and what their settlements were like.

Our art topic and D&T topic this term is textiles. The children will look at different techniques such as weaving, sewing, printing on cloth and joining techniques. We will look at some inspirational people involved with textile work and in D&T we will make a pencil case too!

In PE we will be swimming at Monkwearmouth Academy with lessons provided by Swim City on a Wednesday. In PE we will be doing yoga to help us balance, stretch and work our core, as well as calm our minds!

In music we will be looking at rap and creating our own linked to anti bullying! Keep your eyes peeled for our work and your ears pinned as I’m sure the children will want to share their work with you!

Dates for Your Diary

Monday 8th January-children back to school

Homework and Spellings

Children are all expected to practice their times tables every night and use Times Tables Rock Stars regularly.  Their challenge is to complete 15 games a week!  Spellings will still be given out on a Monday and learned over the week, ready for spelling tests on a Friday. Please continue to read your home reader as many times as you can with an adult.


P.E will take place on a Friday. Please ensure your child has their P.E kit in school from a Monday and this is to be taken home after the session, washed and brought back for the following Monday. All children need a swimming costume and towel on a Wednesday to partake in our swimming lessons

Home Reading

As a school, we expect the children to read at least 3 times per week and have their journal signed by an adult. Children should bring their reading book and journal into school daily so they have the opportunity to read with adults in school.

Children have an Accelerated Reader password and user name. Use this link to access the quizzes!