Year 4

In year 4 we are taught by Mrs Smith, Mrs Woodey and Miss Slater and we are supported by Mrs Purvis and Miss Simpson. We are available every morning and evening on the gate if you need anything at all-we can’t wait to work with you and your children so please don’t hesitate to ask us anything.

Spring Term

This term, we have lots of exciting and engaging lessons planned. In science we will be learning about sound. We will be watching sound in action using drums, rice and tuning forks in water. We will look at the parts of the ear, how sound travels in vibrations and how it travels over distance and through different materials. Spring 2 will see us looking at science week with the theme of ‘Change and Adapt’.

Our history topic is The Anglo Saxons. We will look at migration and invasion once the Romans left, who invaded and from where and what life was like for Britons at the time. We will look at social structure, housing and religion too. Spring 2 will see us looking at extreme earth, with a focus on earthquakes and volcanoes. We will look at how they are measured and where in the world they are.

Our art topic this term is textiles. The children will look at weaving, in particular the work of Annie Albers. We will look at different weaving techniques and weave with different materials. Spring 2 is DT where we will look at sewing and applique, making a class piece of work-keep an eye out on the website for our finished work!

Dates for Your Diary

Tuesday 7th January – Back to school

Thursday 30th January to Friday 7th February – National Story Telling Week

Monday 3rd to Friday 7th February – Children’s Mental Health Week

Friday 7th February – Whole School Reading Festival

Tuesday 11th February-Internet Safety Day

Wednesday 12th February-Valentine’s Disco-more information and tickets will be available closer to the time

Friday 7th March-World Book Day in school

Monday 10th to Friday 14th March-British Science Week

Homework and Spellings

Children are all expected to practice their times tables every night and use Hit The Button and Maths Shed MTC regularly.  Spellings will still be given out on a Monday and learned over the week, ready for spelling tests on a Friday. Maths homework will be given out on a Monday and children will have until the following Monday to complete it. If anyone needs any help they can see staff at any point in the week for support.

Children are also logged onto Times Tables Rock Stars and need to complete 10 games a week.


P.E will take place on a Wednesday. Please ensure your child has their full school P.E kit in school from a Monday and this is to be taken home after the session, washed and brought back for the following Monday.

Home Reading

As a school, we expect the children to read at least 3 times per week and have their journal signed by an adult. Children should bring their reading book and journal into school daily so they have the opportunity to read with adults in school.

Children have an Accelerated Reader password and user name.