Year 5

Hello and Welcome to Year 5!

In Year 5, we are taught by Mrs Seaman and Mrs Waddell.

Mr Curd also supports us in class.

Spring Term

We are so excited to welcome you back to school after our Christmas holiday! We have lots of exciting things to look forward to this year.

In Science this term we will be learning all about Earth and Space. We will be learning about the sizes of the Earth, Moon and the Sun, how day and night is created and how the four seasons are created. We will also be learning about the phases of the moon and the different planets in our solar system.

Our Geography topic this term is ‘Extreme Earth’. We will be learning all about the Earth’s climate and areas of extreme temperatures as well as learning all about extreme weather conditions and natural disasters.

In History this term we are going to be learning all about Ancient Greece. We will be using our historical skills to evaluate sources of evidence and make inferences about the era using knowledge from previous year groups.

Our D&T topic links to our learning about Ancient Greece as we will be making our own Greek food. In Art we will be looking at different printing skills. In RE lessons we will be learning about Peace and Forgiveness.

We are also looking forward to our PE lessons where we will be developing our gymnastic and tag rugby skills, as well as going swimming after the February half term.

Upcoming Dates for your diary

diary pic

Spring 1 – term begins Tuesday 7th January 2025

Mini police – Thursday 23rd January – Mounted police visit (details to follow)

National Story Telling week 30th January – 7th February – Whole school

Children’s Mental Health week 3rd – 7th February

Internet Safety Day 11th February

Valentine’s Disco 12th February – TBC

Life Centre visit – Tuesday 18th February (details to follow)

Half Term – 24th February – 1st March

INSET 3rd March – Children return to school Tuesday 4th March


Homework pic for website

– Maths (TTRS) and literacy homework (spellings) will be given out every Monday. 

– Weekly spelling lists will be given out on a Monday for children to practise for a spelling quiz on Friday.

– All children are expected to practise their times tables using Times Tables Rockstars (TTRS) – all children have been given their username and password.  20 minutes per week is expected to be completed.


Pe pic for web

Year 5 P.E will take place on a Friday. To participate fully in PE, children will need: a white t-shirt, blue shorts and a pair of plimsolls/ trainers. All jewellery MUST be removed for P.E lessons.

Home Reader

reading pic

It is expected for children to read at home every evening. Children should return their book and parent book to school daily, so they have the opportunity to read with adults in school. When children have completed a book, they will be able to complete a quiz in school based on the book they have read. These results will be recorded in your child’s home reader. Points and prizes will  be awarded for completing quizzes. Children who are unable to read at home will be given the opportunity to read in school if books are not returned. Please feel free to see us or write in your child’s Home-School Contact Book if there are any issues. It is essential that home and school communicate effectively, working together to ensure your child receives the very best from school. 

Children have an Accelerated Reader password and user name. Use this link to access the quizzes!

Useful Websites


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