Year 3

Hello and welcome to year 3!

In year 3 we are taught by  Miss Foxton, Miss Brook and Mrs Stephenson. We are supported in class by Miss Dryden and Mrs Williams. 

Spring 2024

This term, we have exciting and engaging topics planned that re-covers the key skills and builds upon skills previously taught in all subjects. We are working hard to ensure all children embed knowledge and understanding through revisiting and over learning key concepts. 

Our history topic this term is ‘The Romans’ and the children are having such a great time learning all about hot they impacted the live we live today.  Did you know that The Romans actually invented the very first form of central heating!  The also built public baths which the children were not very keen on at all!

Next half term, we will begin our science topic of ‘Plants and light’ and I’m sure the children will have great fun carrying out a variety of observations and investigations.  We will recap their previous learning about plants and then build on that, linking it to light as plants require light to stay alive.

Keep your eyes peeled in our ‘look what we’ve been up to’ for some great work and an insight into other wonderful things we will be doing!

Dates for your diary

diary pic

Christmas jumper day – Wednesday 6th December

Sunderland Empire – Tuesday 12th December 

Movie afternoon- Children need to come into school wearing their school uniform and bring a pair of Pyjamas for the afternoon if they would like – Thursday 14th December

Christmas party – Tuesday 19th December 

Home Reading

As a school, we expect the children to read at least 3 times per week and have their journal signed by an adult. Children should bring their reading book and journal into school daily so they have the opportunity to read with adults in school.

Children have an Accelerated Reader password and user name. Use this link to access the quizzes!

We would be so pleased if the children access their quizzes at home as well as in school. 

Don’t forget you can do a quiz on books you read at home too!


Pe pic for web

P.E will take place on a Wednesday. Please ensure your child has their P.E kit in school from a Monday and this is to be taken home after the session, washed and brought back for the following Monday.

Class 10 will be doing swimming lessons every Monday until the Christmas holidays. Please ensure your child has their swimming costume, towel and £1 voluntary contribution each week. Long hair must be tied back and all jewellery removed.

Homework and Spellings

Homework pic for website

Children are all expected to practice their times tables every night and use Times Tables Rock Stars regularly.  Their challenge is to complete 10 games a week!  Spellings will still be given out ready for spelling tests on a Friday and please continue to read your home reader as many times as you can with an adult.